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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Todae is a hectic day for me, I had my presentation this morning, and it went quite smoothly, our group was the only grp that did not earn a "er-hem" from Prof Tang leh..haha he said our report is very thorough and well done, when we got all our info from websources..haha
After that I went home, ate my lunch and studied for another hour before I prepared to go school AGAIN for my internship briefing la... it's quite funny, I cannot spot Mr tan at Munchie Munkie at first, he looked so young, can easily passed off as freshie lo... we had a great talk la...it's more of a chit chat session to confirm the internship, but he made it sound so fun...Im already looking forward to the internship le...

This evening I met Chris at sun tec so that he can pass me a souvenir he bought from Thai...he gave me an apron lo...*rolling my eyes* it's ironic leh, I dun even know much abt cooking, only know how to cook rice using pressure rice cooker..haha, tot he will pass me some food, which he promised me..haha..but nvm, Im too full to think of food now...Very tiring leh...went shopping for his necessitites and shopped for his cap so that he can bring to UK , and I had to help him with the grocery bag while walking ard in suntec, which made both of us looked like uncle and untie..that's y Im dead beat la... no mood and energy to study le..guess I will have to wake up early tomolo to start my revision...gambatte!!

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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