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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our car died on us last sat, and had to be left at 2 service centers until today, when we can finally collect our car.

At first, it only seems like an accelerating problem as our car made funny noise when Cha accelerated. Soon after that, the car was not able to accelerate no matter how hard Cha depressed the pedal... We really quite scared that it will die on us in the middle of the road, so we quickly drove our car to the nearest pepboy service center. When we reached there, the counter rep said that all the car technicians had already gone back , so we had to drive back the following morning for the repair. Then, out of good intention, the rep opened up our car hood and immediately spotted a broken pipe, and suggested that we had a problem most probably due to the tube, so he volunteered to replace it on the spot for us, without needing the technicians who would only be there the next morning. I dunno wat he did, but after he changed the tube for us, the car wouldn't start at all!!! wah biang! That blackie immediately half-sian, can tell that he regretted helping us from the start, as much as we regretted letting him touch our car...very sian. As our home is 50km away from the service center, the counter rep bo bian have to drive us back home, while leaving the car there for repair when the technicians come to work the next day.

So we waited...till Mon and they called us to inform that pepboy was unable to repair the car for us, and suggested we tow it to the nearest ford service center instead. So the same blackie come to our house to fetch Cha over to pepboy to make the towing arrangements. Up to this point, luckily pepboy never charge us for diagnostics testing..think they paiseh that their own staff cause our car unable to start. And also lucky that we just purchased the goodsam towing insurance one month before, so all towing charges were waived, which can be ridiculously expensive if we are not covered.

Finally, we get to collect our car today, after 5 days of torment of without a car. We cannot go anywhere without it lor...even marketing was limited as we can only walk to the nearest supermarket, and also cannot buy too heavy stuff as we are unable to carry back home. And guess what, we took FIVE HOURS to reach the ford service center by taking the public tpt... Public transport here is one of the worst I have ever seen! A normal person living here cannot go without a car lor!! We have to take feeder bus to metro station, take metro to union station, and then take an hour TRAIN to Baltimore, before we walked another half an hr to Maryland's metro station (completely different system from the first metro we took, have to buy different metro card), and finally take a shuttle to the ford. Wah seh! still have to take train!! We macham make a day trip to KL just to see our beloved car, left our house at 12 noon and reach at 5, it's a very exhausting transport experience lor!

And hor, the repair costs us USD 907 lor!!! This includes $600 for labor fee!! Wah, almost as expensive as a lawyer's man-hour charges leh. Ridiculous that a car technician commands so much labour fee!! Heart is bleeding~ Haiz...very sian that we have to spend so much money recently, we both really down on money luck lately...always cannot manage to save money and had to spend more than what we have saved...suay suay suay!! When we return to spore must go temple pray pray...cannot let money flow out like this lar...really have to eat grass these few weeks, or else go Hawaii no $$ to spend...

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Counting Down to Boston and Canada
Our Caricature
44th Monthly Anniversary @ Baltimore
Dumpling Festival In Maryland
Planning for Vacation Trips
Ticket Summon
Teochew Festival
New Haircut


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