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Friday, February 05, 2010

Have not seen so much snowing in a week before. It has been literally snowing since last Sat, except Mon and Thurs... And we did not even stock up any food before the heavy snow on last Sat! Were trying to drive out to H-Mart on that Sat afternoon when the car skidded again on the highway. We were really scared of skidding since that Alaska incident, thus we turned back home without getting any grocery for the week...Lucky we bought two chicken packs on Fri at Safeway liao, so we survived on those le...

Another huge storm warning for this long weekend, this time we are smarter, we got to the supermarket ahead of the crowds to get our grocery and stock up on staple food in case of power outage. Read from the news that the Washingtonians were in a panic state and had ransacked the supermarkets empty of milk and bread this morning. Hmm..actually the forecast was out since Mon, why did they have to do such last minute shopping leh?

It had already begun snowing heavily since 1 pm this afternoon, and will continue non-stop up to Sat night. This would be the second snow storm in 2 months, a first in the past 100 years, and threatening to make another historic record in terms of accumulated snow, could be up to 30 inches! Wahahah...can build snowman liao...so we are going to stay holed in for the next few days le, very sian..had been wanting to go out on Sat, I'm so bored!!!! No choice but to stay home because of the hazardous driving conditions for the past two Sats...Hope no power outage ah, or else how to cook???!!

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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