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Monday, November 14, 2005

Watched the golden horse award just now, Jay Chou threw me off the seat.. How could he got the newcomer award? Beginner's luck la...he's not acting really, he's juz being himself, Just show his LL face and he is now being awarded for his acting..my god.. Probably someday in the future he may abandon his music and go full force into acting..wahaha..Junie will be most happy.. Fann Wong and her boy fren were also guests for the award, quite pretty, din know her fan base in Taiwan also that big leh...wahaha...but what Im really waiting for is Takeshi aka Jin Cheng Wu la..so DASHING ..waahh..shuai shuai shaui..waahah long time never hear his news le...strange that he dun seems to age leh...

last nite i also watched the Exorcist of Emily Rose..not bad leh..quite scary...based on a true story, so I'm realli curious wat realli happen to this gal.. was she really psychotic? or was she selected by God to suffer at the hands of demonic forces? i guess nobody knows bah..it happened nearly 3 decades ago lo... hmm...Mei Mei ah..muz wait for me one more yr leh..I also wan go SDU and have a look..wahah...Danny said he won't mind leh... and looking forward to second of December where we can chill out, shun bian celebrate that I finished my exams!! Yeah...also juz came to my mind that its my second month..opps..haa can celebrate early on 30th lo!!:)

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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