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Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's the beginning of the new school term!!! My first fall class starts tomorrow, going to bury my head in the books again, although this is what I have been doing the past few days, hoping that I could be ahead of class schedule...Summer holiday has ended so fast, weather has begun to turn cool, the leaves are also starting to turn yellow and the days are now shorter and shorter...Gone are the days where nightfall starts at 9 plus in the evening..haizz...

But I really love the autumn season here when all the leaves are reddish yellow and starting to fall, so nice! It reminds me of the same time last year, when I was still so confused and fearful of the unknown when I would be in US. Turns out that I have enjoyed my stay here more that I've thought. Next year this time, I should be at home and reunited with my family and friends, wahaha...meanwhile I will be making the most out of my remaining time in Merryland!

Nothing much happened these few weeks, has been grocery shopping, made a new jam, do my homework, had a bbq organised by the community...quite nice, but very cold downstairs...brrhhh..

Hope my first week of class will be smooth smooth~

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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Favourite Shots in Hawaii
Bday Trip to Hawaii: Part 2 (Big Island, 20 Aug - ...
Bday Trip to Hawaii: Part 1 (Maui, 15 Aug - 20 Aug...
Hawaii, Here we come!!!
Homemade Dishes Part 2
46th Monthly Anniversary & ND Celebration
Cranky Car
A review of my Summer Trip (22 Jun - 9 Jul 09)
Counting Down to Boston and Canada


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