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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Die die...my first paper all crap...dunno wat Im writing abt...althou it's open book, the materials were all over my desk and I could not find them lo...win liao..open book but cannot find them when I was writing. I nearly lost my exam question paper in a sea of papers and almost raised my hand to ask my lecturer for another question paper...heng i found it after much search, or else Dr Sim will luff at me one... dun wan to give him the pleasure:P . oh yah, back to the question... quite worried now, cuz i already got a C for term paper, dun seem to hav any hope that this paper can pull up my grade le...I quite worry he cannot understand wat Im trying to raise, and also have to pray that I'm not out of point, this is my first paper only leh, already pull down my morale quite a lot...

Todae my parents went for the sex exhibition at Expo, both my sis were out, leaving me alone at home, so kelian... i tot they will ta pau for me, in the end, they planned to enjoy themselves till late, so I can only eat left over rice. my parents went no signature eat crabs leh, never jio me, they had all the seafood to themselves lo... after that they brought the remaining crabs and veggie for me leh...wahaha, win again, eat left over food twice a day... but the crabs very nice la..still craving for more... realli no mood to study todae liao.. only survived the first paper, and yet I feel as if I hav only left one paper...wahahah...this happens to me every semester:P

Oh yah, I heard fr the broadcast that Harry potter and the goblet is much betta than the last one...yeah great! muz make our tix worth..still counting down to that moment~

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