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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I was victimised by the ridiculous charges of the so called professional service here AGAIN...well...not even sure if those opticians in the spectacle shops can be considered "professional". As my contact lens are running out, and I know my eye power and base curve, so thinking of getting them online,and to my delight, the lens are really cheaper than in Spore. But to my shock, all purchase of contact lens have to be done on prescriptions by federal regulation, be it online or when you are buying from spectacle outlets, EVEN THOUGH I've been a long time wearer of the same contact lens. But fair enough, cuz maybe they din wan to be responsible if anything goes wrong...so I decided to go for an "eye exam" to see whether my eyesight got deteriorate, but largely it's to obtain a prescription for my lenses...So I called and checked the price, cost $40! Siao! But since I have to get the lenses, so die die must go for eye exam, so bo bian made an appointment with My Eye Dr. today.

To my utter horror, the total eye examination fee, which only just checked the status of my shortsight, COST ME A JAW DROPPING USD 150!!!! My first thought is Wah lau!! Why so expensive, I did all these eye checks for FREE in spore!! Very angry that they did not specify in advance that they will be including the contact lens specialized fitting professional fee, which is USD110! What's so big deal abt consultation on contact lens purchase? I just want my old lenses, at the exact eye power and brand!! In the end, the results of the eye exam is identical to the prescription result from my former optician in Spore. No changes was made at all to the lenses which I'm wearing now lor, so what's the justification of charging me $150???

Back in Spore, I never have to pay for any professional fee for optician! Just pay for the glasses and lenses... But here, when the cost of my four month supply of lenses is included, it costs me USD 319 lor! Nearly fainted!

I really don't know what's so great abt these opticians, and why they deserve such high fees, when the service sucks as I have to wait for an hour for my turn, and I have to waste almost 3 hours at the specs shop to get all these business done...And I have to stress again, I never have to wait more than 5 min in any spec shop I've been to in Spore lo! It is at times like this, I really hope to be home...I really hate how US charge ridiculous rates for their services which don't deserve so much of our hard-earned money! RIDICULOUS that I have to pay USD 150 just to check whether the degree of my myopia is still the same. And the federal regulation to obtain a prescription to buy contact lenses is almost as ridiculous when it is NOT affordable to the general public at all. I strongly condemn their optician services here...This WILL be my last time doing an eye exam in the US, IT'S EXORBITANT, might as well go and rob lar!

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12:26 AM



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