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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Was surfing the chinese omy.news website for Singapore news when I saw the following headline:

[ 国大生非礼同学 不服判决提上诉



被告否认非礼受害人,并声称患有自发性射精的精神病(spontaneous ejaculation)。被告还说,心理卫生学院(IMH)在2001年诊断他沉迷性欲,此病的症状包括早泄。



(Taken from: http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story/OMYStory200909230117-92433.html,
Source from mypaper)

At first this looks like any other normal molest case to me until I notice that this guy was from the same batch as me studying psychology in NUS... Then I realised his name looks familiar... THEN I realise who he was.

This guy was one of the other 2 friends who did internship with me at the Singapore Prisons Svc at the end of my third year!!! And we three became quite gd frens after that, often going out for lunch together and chit chatting while going home together... And in my honours yr, I also often sit together with him in class when taking my 5000 level statistic class, as I thought he was very easy to get along with and very helpful whenever I approached him for some difficult statistic questions. My impression of him was that he was very intelligent, kind, helpful and nerdy kind of guy. Never thought that he would be a sexual offender!! My god!!!

The worst part was, he actually had a previous record of molesting two girls back in 2001, and he did it again in 2006! Which was the year we took stats class together!!! But at that time was Sept so I graduated liao la...Was really shocked to see this news...as he looked so decent and all that, and I never caught him "leering" at girls or anything like that...haiz...really cannot judge a book by its cover de...but anyway, hope that he won't do this again la...he was really wasted as he was really a bright person, with a lot of his own ideas and he seemed so passionate about pursuing a career in psychology....haiz...a pity, most likely his prospects will be ruined and he cannot avoid imprisonment liao...

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