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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Although this Snowmageddon, as termed by Obama, has caused a lot of inconveniences, stalled traffic and turned the whole city into a dead town, but it was really nice to be part of history, as snow level in some areas really reached record high! So for the past two days, we stayed in the comfort of our home studying hard and turning couch potatos, and also got to see, thru our huge window, on how the storm dumped thirty inches of snow in 2 days, slowly burying the cars. True to the forecast, the sky really snowed non-stop for more than 30 hours...

And we went down to take pictures again when the snowfall started to subside today, the snow reached knee-level as we tried to make our way to different parts of our estate to take pictures with the snow sia...I think ppl looking out of the windows would think we are siao eh...so cold and in the middle of the snow storm why still take so many pics..heheh... lucky we thick skin leh...Wah seh..the wind was really very strong, up to the point where it picked up all the snow and started blowing into our faces, making it hard for us to see, and even breathe properly... But we dun care eh...we managed to take pictures during pockets of time when the wind was weaker. Also had snowball fights with Cha, he was so evil to throw so much snow at me! HUMPH! Not gentleman at all leh, should not retaliate when I hurled snow at him ma..heheh..

Anyway, it had just stopped snowing and people are struggling to clear up all the snow away from the cars and the pavements..poor thing, lucky our car's parking lot did not accumulate that much snow...It is still a dead town outside, and the roads will prob be quite empty tomorrow bah, since there are still tons of snow on the roads and tomorrow's weather is going to be unusually chilly...

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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