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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Had a huge surprise when Cha returned home with roses yesterday. He went to Safeway to buy flowers on the pretext of going to school, but I blur la, din even know the school was closed on Fri and really thought he would be going to school to do his stuff...Never did I expect that he will come back one hr later with a bouquet of flowers in his hands! wahahah~~ Although roses on V-Day are exorbitantly expensive, but I guess girls still like to receive flowers sometimes bah...not every year, but sometimes a surprise like this is more meaningful than when flowers are expected every year...I really thought Cha would give me flowers only on our wedding anniversary! heh..

Had an early celebration at Copper Canyon Restaurant for V-Day, as tomolo I'm planning to prepare a CNY feast as a reunion dinner lor...and also if we have dinner outside today, it will not be that expensive as V-day menu is not out yet...Wah, this weekend so sinful sia, have so much food for Sat and Sun...must really lose weight before going back to Spore for a second round of food indulgence liao...

School work has been really hectic for me since school starts. Homework, projects and readings seem to pile up endlessly and a whole week of class load starts again when I barely managed to finish the work for the previous week..sian..But I still enjoy student life better than a working adult lor..haha...

Another snow storm occurred again on last Tue, dubbed as Snoverkill, bringing the total snow level to a new record high...Now there are so much snow everywhere, and are even covering some of the road lanes and parking lots lor.. At first I thought snow was so fun and pretty but later on I realise that too much snow will cause a lot of inconvenience to commuting and as a result ppl are unable to carry on with their usual life...When we drove out today, it took us significantly longer time to reach our usual destination at Columbia Mall, as several lanes were closed due to snow. And hor, ppl could not find parking lots easily as the staff had to store the snow on huge parking areas, so supply quite limited ah..lucky we managed to get one lot pretty quickly... I think the snow will take weeks to melt lor, since temp is really freezing these few days. And...we are expecting another snow session again on Mon...arrrrhhhh...This means my class will likely be cancelled liao...Waste my school fees~

May the start of the new year mark a new, happy beginning for all. Happy Chinese New Yr to everyone! GONG XI FA CAI!!!~~~

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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