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Monday, October 04, 2010

Happy 5th Year Anniversary!! So lucky that the actual day fell on a Saturday!

Was in a frenzy trying to prepare the scrapbook containing all the highlight events of our 5-year journey together, including V-days, Xmas, birthdays, love, wedding anniversaries and travel highlights. It was so difficult trying to find some pictures that were taken way way back! And it was tough tricking Cha into passing me those pictures using the excuse that I needed a copy of my previous transcripts that were saved in his hard disk. But this plan backfired when I realized the photos were not in the hard disk I had expected! Cha ended up burning midnight oil trying to locate those transcripts for me, thinking I needed them urgently...*sayang*. Very proud of my accomplishments, I completed the 40-page diary and the longest card I have ever written to Cha in just 3 days! wahahaha~

This year's celebration was just food, food and food~ Lunch was at PS cafe near Dempsy Road. I love the open air concept with drop down windows showcasing the greenery outside, which is a rare sight in Singapore. We also realized from that day that this place is actually very convenient from the bus stop at the main road!

We then spent the time at Orchard Ion (again!) before we slowly made our way to Rochester Park for our dinner. It was a posh western restaurant called Graze. Hmm...I would say that the food was good, but not really my cup of tea. I ordered a seared duck breast without knowing it was cooked medium rare. Raw duck meat!! oh gosh...I dun even take sashimi... To be fair to this pricey dish, the meat was actually very tender, and the highlight of the meat was its texture, unlike most well done breast meat which are very tough and somewhat spoil the original taste of the meat. In the end I exchanged my food with Cha, who is a hearty carnivore, and he would be able to appreciate the dish better. Hmm.. guess I have really cheap taste, which is a joy to Cha... Finally presented my fruit of labour to Cha, coaxing him into believing that I bought him an organizer due to financial constraints. He looked "not that excited" in receiving just an ordinary organizer, so it was a huge joy looking at his super surprised face when he saw that it was a hand made love diary! Looks like my handmade gift is more precious than any other expensive gift, and no excuse for Cha to forget any of the event we celebrated in the past 5 years wor!

Got a new pink watch for my anniversary present! Loved it!=D

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Sickly September
27th Birthday
Birthday Celebration with Cha (14th Aug 2010)
Shanghai Trip (19 - 28 July 2010)
First Week In Singapore
Last Day in Merryland
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