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Thursday, July 15, 2010

I cannot sleep now and have really weak appetite despite all my cravings for spore food...wah liew...suffering from serious jetlag...my bioclock is in a seriously confused state rite now...dun feel hungry when I'm supposed to, and I feel really seh after dinner tonight...had wanted to zzz only after 10pm...but I succumbed to the fatigue at 8pm that was accumulated from yesterday's forced lack of sleep during the day -_-"

Flight with SQ was really smooth, but the flight on UA sucks. Turbulence was terrible and I broke out in cold sweat during the bumpy ride.. cannot believe I have taken 22 hrs of flight, and including transit and waiting times, I've spent ard 30 hrs at the airport...no wonder I've lost weight these few days...anyway, good to see my family again, and glad they are all in good health...now looking fwd to see all my friends~ Soon, I'll have to do serious job seeking liao...Really stressed abt it...hope I can find an ideal job as it could be the stepping stone for my subsequent career life. I wonder how's the job market rite now...To add on I do not have prior experience in the bank sector, finding a job will be a huge challenge... but my parents help to relieve this stress by wanting me to enjoy a good long break before I start looking for jobs, and even hope I begin work only next year! wahaha..my parents so liberal and nice...but Cha and his family will jump la, haha...anyway I will try my best...and at least I know now I have the choice to accept only the job I like, rather than take the job in a rush, as in the case with MOT 4 yrs back...hmm..still, I feel the stress and anxiety as I go crashing back to reality after 2 years of worry-free life=s


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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Next Trip: Nature Expedition
Cha's Family Visit to Merryland (18 - 29 May 10)
56th Monthly Anniversary @ Melting Pot


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