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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Yesshh!! My exam is finally over!! yeah!! has been waiting for this moment for a few months liao. Met up w pink army this evening, and since many turned up todae, might as well draw the names for the xmas gift.. I will be buying for Tien!! and Dien will buy for me.. ha...I wan a bag kk.. buy a nice one and no need too special yah..hee;P THis year's budget increase to $20 le, but it's ok la, since this yr we do not need to buy bdae present, so buy a better xmas gift lo..haha, looking forward to xmas liao... had been fun to meet up w my frens todae, same thing la, we always sit ard at some cafe and chat one, not easy to go shopping with so many pink army gals la... juz now tien asked me to do something i cannot stand lo, the DD~ name is making me freeze lo, all my hair stand up le, haha..guess Im not in her league with her BB. So sad, I have been degraded to the unpopular in pink army le, rose dun even wan share drink w me, to think that our nine years, cuming to ten of frenship is SOOO fragile...*sobzz* what the...~:P
Finally can meet up with Junie after nine months of separation, din change much la, juz a bit sad that she will be applying for an Australian PR and she will be staying there for a couple of years after her studies, but looking on the bright side, we will have free lodging whenever we go to Australia for a tour leh..hehehe... Still, one person less in our boon lay clique, how sad!!

Anyway, will be fixing a time for Harry Potter this weekeend, have been lookin forward to it since my exam le, finally can watch le...yeah!!

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


One more to go~
Freezing Tuesday
Survived PL5221
Blood pressure rising
Rose Guy
My First paper
The day after tomorrow
TO my dear Moreen
Golden Horse winners


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