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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hmm...Finally found my guts to look at my grade...69%, not too bad la... at least average, leaves me room to get better grades for my examination...he might as well give me one more mark rite, first 70 sounds nicer and second, will one mark really makes a lot of difference? wahaha...means a lot to me thou...
Despite my disappointment in the first paper, todae's paper is manageable... seriously, I think i might take the follow up stats module for multivariate analysis next semester, cuz i like his exam style, not much to prepare for exam, open book and Prof Bishop is a much more generous marker...haha, other ppl might think I'm mad to take so many stats modules le, even thou my maths sucks lo... but those r the modules that dun need much readings la...makes my life easier de...
Todae finally returned my library book, it's overdue by three days le, hah, this is only my first time borrow but I have already managed to leave a black record and owe them $$ liaoz, wahaha...and when I was on the train juz now, I saw two guys fighting in the next cabin, their fight was a bit different, they strangled each other insteading of punching... quite a funny sight, when u see their faces nearly red and bursting and they moved from one side to the other with their hands on each other's necks, it's quite a while bfore their frens intervened... they shouldn't hav done that in the public lo, it's so embarassing with all eyes on them, a bunch of immature guys la *rollin my eyes*

My parents will be goin to Thai this cuming Dec, sian leh...everytime leaves me out... I've grown so big have never stepped foot in Thai bfore leh... I also wan to live like a queen over there leh..will go for a full body massage there, heard it's cheap and good, can buy lotsa clothes over there too~ hmm I'm starting to dream liao~

ps. haha..din know the quality control dept is so popular leh...scarly all the pink army end up fighting for the head...wahaha

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