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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Top view of the hologram
View from the right

View from the left

My handmade gift to Cha

Within a blink of my eyes, the celebration is over, time passes fast especially for the day which I've been looking forward to for weeks. I was very happy to see Cha at the doorstep with pink roses in his hands yesterday morning. After breakfast, he gave me the first present of the day - a hologram he made himself, it's like a photoboard which presents two different blown-up pictures that we took when viewed from different sides. I remembered these pics were taken last Xmas and at Vivo City early this year. I was quite amazed by this gift as I tot that it was really creative to make a hologram using our pictures! Quid pro quo, I gave him the Renoma bag I've bought for him. From his look, I think he quite likes it lar.. Given his expensive tastes, it's actually not easy to find a bag he likes lo...

As usual, not much activities for the day. We had desserts at NYDC located at Holland Village, after which we parked the car at Central and took train to SunTec and Marina Sq for a walk. The day was fine except Cha had stomach pains and had to diarrhoea twice. Maybe it was the cakes we ate earlier on bah.. But the highlight came when Cha brought me to Dolce Vita at Oriental Hotel for a poolside candlelit dinner.. We had the window seat and tot that the ambience was really great with soft lighting and poolside view. As expected, the food was outrageously expensive and the fish I ordered costs a whopping 50+ bucks lo. As I looked thru the menu, I found that their average pricing for a main course is ard sixty plus, so I decided for quite long before I finally made my choice - Cod Fish with some pepper sauce...The servings were small but luckily their bread servings were quite generous..So we actually stuffed ourselves with more bread to make ourselves full la...haa.. This was also where Cha gave me the second present for the day, a Brilliant Rose necklace. Hee.. actually it was quite close to my guess as I had a feeling Cha will buy me accessories.. It's a heart shaped pendant with a diamond stud in the middle, simple and sweet. Now I can alternate between another necklace Cha bought for me last year liao..haa

Next we adjourned for a drink at their lounge. It was cozy as we had a large sofa seat to ourselves, facing the window with a scenic night view. It was finally my turn to give Cha my handmade gift- a small pillow with embroidered Precious Moments "A Kiss to Build a Dream On". Think he was really surprised as I had told him earlier on that I had no time to make gifts for him =D

All in all, although last nite was a simple celeb, it was enjoyable and I appreciate Cha's time in preparing the gifts for me admist all his mid term tests, projects and his hectic work. Can tell from his tired look last evening that it was quite tough on him and this made the gifts even more meaningful to me (",)

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2:22 PM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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The Office Furniture
My Weekend Diary
Time Flies and Crawls
Planned Tour in 2008
The First Day We Met
Farewell Colleague...
Irritating People
Bad Day


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