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Friday, September 21, 2007

Have something to complain again... Really stupid one.. Because I'm in charge of my office's fixed assets, turned out that I'm responsible for throwing every single thing here as well. Last mth we have to dispose a few furniture urgently as one of the store room needs to be converted for some other uses, and as we have no space here, we have to get rid of these tables and chairs. These 13 pieces of tables and chairs were actually junk, purchased abt a decade ago, stained, old and has zero net book value liao..Just to throw these 13 pieces of junk, I have to put up a stupid approval to dispose these junk, which I have to include: Background, ie, y we have to throw the items; a list of items stating item description, qty, costs, date of acquition and NBV. This was followed by listing down all the options on how we can throw away and call for quotations from second hand vendors (juz in case my director wants to sell to them then we can sell them fast). Then I have to put up justification why a particular option was chosen and y we din choose the other 3 instead. OK, from an economical point of view, sale to vendor most profitable mah, so I chose this option. Then my director don't want and ask me to ask our"partner agencies" they wan or not, but they all scoffed at me lor, cuz the furniture too old liao... Then my dir say y not we donate to charity... OK lor since he wants to be so charitable, I redrafted my submission for the third time and put up submission for donation. Because of his fussiness, I've spent nearly THREE weeks redrafting and waiting for his approval to throw some stupid junk. Because of him, the customers we serve wasted so much money because he asked his staff do these kind of unproductive work. And because of him, the furniture took ONE MONTH to be disposed off, when it shd only take one week. DAMN. Waste of my time, macham my time not important and only his time is golden, JIAN. I already have so much shit work up my neck and he gave me these stupid work to do, unbelievable...

Then when the furniture collectors finally come to collect their items today, got this stupid colleague, ASKS my section colleague IN FRONT OF MY DIRECTOR why never pass these furniture to him, he say can put at his place. DAMN IT LA where got space?? Our office space is so tight now lor! Then Dir seems quite angry that I never ask other staff whether anyone wants it... But they want urgent disposal ma, and the furniture so old until I don't believe anyone will want it that kind lor! Think my stupid dir will question me on this. That colleague is really stupid and insensitive too, how can he do it in front of my director when I finally can get these old junk off my hands??? Ultimately insensitive! After this incident, next time even throw a pen also must write approval letter and evaluate options for disposal liao! Might as well let our CEO sign off! Really rigid n idiotic system here, complete waste of my time! To cover my backside everything just follow the law lar!

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