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Friday, September 14, 2007

It's the end of the week again! It's scary how the weeks fly past lidat and before I know it Monday bluez will start again...Again, so much shit to clear, everyday got different heaps of dung to be cleared, one shit haven cleared, always comes another one... But when Im in office, dunno y the time seems to crawl and how I yearn for 6 pm to come. That's how my life is. Next 2 weeks will also be very shitty and the tot of going back to office after this weekend is totally distressing. But anyway, let's see how it goes...

In another 2 hrs time I will be out of office liao, Hoorayyyy..after work will be meeting Pink for steamboat...wah..mouth starts to water liao..I think it's fun to have a big grp eating hotpot as we can eat more varieties. It's a nice chill out place as well...Hotpot with Cha would not be quite as fun..haha

Second anniversary with Chaa is coming in 2 wks time liao, shit...haven bought the present yet..Don't think I have the time to get it leh.. Anyway we have to start on the second yr anniversary scrapbook liao.. This time the book sure very thick lor, so many photos we have taken, the US trip photos can already bind one book liao... This time round, we will make our own, cuz it's cheaper than buying one..but in the end hor, the materials we bought cost ard the same price lor, but of cuz it's more meaningful if we make it ourselves lar...so today Im bringing my laptop back so that we can start choosing photos tomorrow. Then we'll spread over a few weeks to do the scrapbook, hope it turns out nice lo, given that both Cha and myself are not exactly very talented artists...

But Im curious wat Cha will give me for second anni leh...and again, he just wouldn't tell me anything abt it...And where will we be having our dinner??? Meanwhile I can only look forward to this special day amidst my tiring, shitty work days...

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3:45 PM



O Come O Come Emmanuel 差一刹的地老天荒 新不了情 背叛

Random Peeps


It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Planned Tour in 2008
The First Day We Met
Farewell Colleague...
Irritating People
Bad Day
My 24th Birthday
Green Caterpillar
Waiting and Waiting...
Fishball Face~
I can't Breathe...


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
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August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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December 2009
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