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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some of my colleagues are really irritating. Their EQs really down to zero, as intelligent as a PORK. One incident pissed me off today. After my submission for a funding application to my BIG BIG boss, this colleague of mine then give me "advice" on some additional points I could hav added in my submission to "support my case". DAMN LA! Have asked him a few days ago, and not a single response from him, straight after I submit to my big boss then give me this kind of crap! Everytime escalate to higher level then start to pay attn to my email...I'm not going to resend again lor, going to deh gong to his additional pointers... What will my boss think of me when I resend, wan me to look stupid... JIAN..

My staff also another one.. yesterday I've already asked her for opinions before I send my report to the little boss, everything shd surface to me before I submit upwards ma, then this ku ku suddenly throw in one sugg straight to my little boss, skipping myself, making me look stupid again.. Shd have sugg it yesterday rite! I think prob she wans to put herself in gd light in fron of my boss la, but still shd give me some respect wat.. This is not her first time liao, last time when I need to submit something else to my bosses, I've already asked her to check the figures carefully as she is in charge of the ground work, then again, immediately after I 've sent it to my boss, she came running to me and point out various mistakes in the report. I have already asked her to check before hand! Subsequently the following day, she pointed out a mistake again! Try to be funny rite, makes me look like a fool again when I've to ask my little boss sign the paper again. Then two wks later, she AGAIN informed me that there were TWO errors in that report. Wa liew! my Big boss already signed lo, have to get my little boss to re-resign and my big boss to resign again... So many mistakes! This is supposed to be her area of work, but because I've to vet it, makes me responsible for the mistake as well...damn careless, Im going to reflect this in her performance appraisal once I've the chance. HUMPH! SUPER BUAY SHONG NOW!

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10:32 AM



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