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Friday, June 20, 2008

Finally back from my three-week vacation. First time in my life to go for such a long holiday de, SHIOK DE LOR! Just to complete my first update on my Europe trip, from Venice we continued on to Rome, Florence, Pisa, Switzerland- Lucern, Paris and Scotland. Out of these cities, I think Rome is a very chaotic place. Like what my tour guide said this is "Organised Confusion", you can see cars cutting into the lanes everywhere, people talking animatedly, horns sounding on the roads. Don't really like that place much. Yah, it's culturally rich, but more suitable for christians, as there are many churches and chapels. To me they all looked the same. Nothing special. I also dun like the people there. Say a lot of words, but dun work. Ha...

With the exception of Lucern, Scotland, and Paris, the rest of the cities look similar and I can't really differentiate them from my memory now. I prefer the small towns like Innsbruck and Salzburg to those big cities. They are more cozy and quiet. And more special and memorable. Paris was also nice, loved the eiffel tower at night. When it stroke 11pm, the tower was lighted up with shimmering blinking lights. Really beautiful and romantic! Lucern was nice but raining, and not as breathtaking as Scotland. Perhaps it was the excitement of finally venturing out on our own, away from our tour group, we rented a car and Cha bravely drove through the countryside to the Isle of Skye, Fort William and finally Glasgow. We stayed in little cottages with Bed and Breakfast overlooking the lake and the hills. Simply lovely and romantic. It was a really different experience, by finding our ways out in a foreign place. And wherever we drove, the sceneries were just so nice everywhere that we simply had to stop our car in the middle of the highway to take pictures. Will take my parents there next time when I have the $$, think they'll love it. In fact, the only place with good memories are in Scotland liao, simply worth to go. Maybe it's the only time when Cha and I truly spend time together. Alone :D

The tour group is based in UK, so the acccoms they provide were good, at least 4 stars and above. And when those nights we had 5 stars hotel like Hilton in Vienna and Paris, we really had a luxurious and comfortable stay there. It costs us 550 SGD to stay there a night!! Siao... Will never get to stay there without joining a tour group. It's crazy to fork out the money just for sleeping. So Cha and I used their facilities fully when we could. Jaccuzi was nice and there was even a LCD flat screen to watch TV while soaking in the jaccuzi bath! SHIOK LOR~ Will never forget that. Cha don't even dare to tell his dad we were enjoying this kind of luxury, haha... Tat's why we have to bear with poverty when we are back in Spore now de...:P

But next time for honeymoon, I will prefer somewhere ulu and exotic...with a much slower pace, just the two of us, rather than rush thru all the sightseeing. Somewhere like Mauritius or equivalent. But would prefer a place that is unknown to most people... :D

A lot of things happened while we were away these 3 weeks. One of my friend found someone better (and I think he's much much much better) and another got back together with her bf. Very happy that after they had gone through these rough patches, they find happiness now. Had celebrated Junie's bday and farewell for Rose last nite at Shokodo. Full Pinkies strength with bfs leh! Of cuz Cha must be present as well. Like what Mao said, Cha is a veteran for Pinkies' bfs, so he had to impart "how to please Pinkies" advice to the other bfs...haha..Hope they won't back out after all these lar, haha! It was an enjoyable gathering, after not seeing them for such a long time. I will surely miss all these when I'm in US...

p.s. Photos of my trip will be posted up soon...=D

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


14 June 08 - Goodbye, Juno
Updates on my Europe Trip
Vesak Day
Away For Three Weeks
My Phone~
My ROM Part 3 - Moments Not To Be Missed
My ROM Part 2 - Precious Moments
A Post When My Boss Is Not Around~
Cheery Monday
In The Next Few Months


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