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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A lot of things will be happening in the next few months. Cha has received an email confirmation on his uni admission liao, so if nothing goes wrong, we'll both fly to US in around Aug le! Finally can take a long long break from my work de. Still considering whether I shd resign or just take no-pay leave, just in case when I return there's a recession, cuz govt job still more iron-bowl. From now onwards, got a lot of adminstrative things to be done. I'm thinking of studying part-time as well in a college nearby. Cannot believe after a year of prep we really got it. And Cha and I are going to experience a totally different life together in a foreign place, so exciting and confused. And hor, what will happen if Cha and I quarrel over there? I will have no one else to turn to le :( Then the crime rate there is so damn high. Every now and then someone gets gunned down on the street, and if there is really a US recession, the crime rate will surely sky rocket and thos bullies will target asians de... Haiz, so many worries again. On the other hand, this US stay will be a very good break for us and for the first time in our lives, there will be no restraints on what we do and where we go, can just do whatever we want to do. Furthermore, it allows us two more yrs to ballot for a flat since flats are so damn diff to get nowadays... Then have to get winter clothings, rebond my hair, see dentist, suspend hp number, defer my CPF and insurance payments... Wah...so much things to do by Aug!

Yesterday we confirmed our first Europe trip liao. I called it the first because Cha had promised me there will be more trips to come:P Anyway we have taken the tour package to tour Europe for 15 days. Will be extending the trip for another 5 days to travel Scotland. At first we wanted to do free and easy, but Cha don't have the time to plan and backpacking is really xin ku, don't think I can take it de... And hor free and easy may costs more than package tour because of the expensive rail & transportation costs. The tour package will be a luxury tour, the hotels are good, mostly five stars hotels. Should be a very comfortable trip de...So so so happy that I'm going Europe soon! To me this is like an educational trip, have never been there bfore... But hor, this package costs a bomb, so we have decided to spend on a very tight budget and not spend unless absolutely necessary, considering that the US stay for the next 2 years is going to cost a lot as well... All in all, suddenly my mood is so much happier given these two big events are happening soon =D

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Resort Stay
A Weekend of Ups & Downs
Pics of My ROM (27 Feb 08)
Pics of My Hen Night & Mao's Bday (23 Feb 08)
Eve of my ROM
Vday Surprise
28th Month Anniversary - A Dedication to Chaaa
ROM Preparations
New Year Day - A New Beginning
Last Day of 2007


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