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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Arrhhhgghh... For the second time in a row, I dropped my capsule of chinese herbal medicine "Dong Cong Xia Cao" on the office floor. I've been consuming this herbal medicine, 2 pills every morning ever since my protracted coughing two months ago. Out of concern, Cha had bought me one very expensive bottle of herbal medicine to strengthen my lungs. If I'm not wrong, each bottle contains 80 pills which costs $115. This also means that each pill is ard $1.40. Damn costly. And yet twice this week, I 'qiu neng' and dropped the pills on the floor. Of cuz when I picked them up, they were all dusty and dirty lar, so er xin...In order not to waste that 3 dollars worth of medicine, I stared at the dirty pills while I cracked my head in search of alternative ways to consume the medicine. Finally came up with this ingenious idea. I can just break open the capsules into two halves and swallow the powder lor! Very enthusiastically, I banged the capsule apart. And guess what happened. The powder scattered onto my desk :'( My seventy cents gone liao, haiz...To avoid any further losses, I quickly poured the remaining powder from the capsule into my mouth. So bitter~~

I'm becoming more unsettled as Aug is drawing near. A bit scared... And the thought of leaving my cozy home for two whole years saddens me. Suddenly it dawns onto me that life in US will not be as easy and comfortable. There will be no money, no family, no frens and no TV with me. The only consolation is that Chaa will be with me for the next two years. But it's a new chapter in life. New experience and more travelling around. Dunno if my parents will miss me or not, think my mum is treating me better after she knows that I might be gone for 2 years. Recently she's very anxious over my health. I think she's scared that the healthcare over there is no good. If we are really not coming back for the next 2 years, I really ought to spend more time with my family and frens. I want to celebrate my bday in Spore with them before I depart, even if it has to be brought forward. Cuz I guess my next two birthdays will be much quieter with only Cha ard... Feel a bit bad that now even my Sundays are spent at Danny's side le..Think for the next 3 months I'll try to be with my family on Sundays, considering that I also won't be with them in May/ June period.

Chaaa caught a flu today because a flu bug is raging in his office plus he fell asleep on the floor for the entire night. Got an MC for these two days. Haiz...will be going to work and lunching by myself tomorrow le...:(

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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A Weekend of Ups & Downs
Pics of My ROM (27 Feb 08)
Pics of My Hen Night & Mao's Bday (23 Feb 08)
Eve of my ROM
Vday Surprise
28th Month Anniversary - A Dedication to Chaaa
ROM Preparations


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