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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Okay, here's some updates due to popular demand..haaa...Nothing much happened. Pretty bz with my uni admission. Have decided on a commercial uni just next to Cha's uni. Have ding-dong with the international student office for nearly two weeks bfore they finally decided to send me the I-20 form which is necessary to apply for a student visa. The course I've decided on is totally irrelevant to what I've studied in NUS or my work now. But then again that uni only offers 4 postgrad degrees, MBA, Financial Mgmt , Healthcare, and the other one I forgot is what liao. MBA requires 3 yrs and healthcare is definitely not my interest lar. Will have to work for govt again de... So I took up Financial Mgmt, hoping I can branch out from what I'm doing now when I return. Now waiting for the relevant doc to come in before I can take the next step.

Have been looking forward to a different life overseas with Cha, have been preparing and envisioning this for almost two years liao. Can go travel states together, live together, study together and have a taste of marital life before we get our own house when we come back. Also a lot of things to do when we are back in Spore in 2 yrs time. Need to prepare for customary wedding, family planning and find a new job which hopefully is better than my current one. Although my career will come to a standstill these 2 yrs, but I guess to exchange it for 2 yrs overseas for my studies has always been my dream, so it's worth it. Cha has made all these possible for me, and because of my dream, he is "forced" to study another 2 yrs, even though he's very tired of studying all his life liao...haha, Chaa, thanks le wor~ =)

However, now very anxious and scared. Had done a body check-up on Mon, and they found a lump in my breast. Had went for ultra-sound scanning for follow-up checking. If the results is negative, all my dreams will fall thru one...I don't want anything to happen to me when my life is seemingly perfect now. Haiz...May be just unnecessary worries... But will review the medical results with the doctor during lunch time later. All truths will reveal then. Till then, will just have to pray very hard...

ps. btw, I very lazy to upload the photos of my trip onto my blog, very slow and too many pics liao. Can go Danny's facebook to see the albums, but not completely uploaded yet..

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10:50 AM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Summary Of My Trip
14 June 08 - Goodbye, Juno
Updates on my Europe Trip
Vesak Day
Away For Three Weeks
My Phone~
My ROM Part 3 - Moments Not To Be Missed
My ROM Part 2 - Precious Moments
A Post When My Boss Is Not Around~
Cheery Monday


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January 2008
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April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
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October 2008
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