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Friday, July 04, 2008

A second update for those who are worried abt my health. I'm tentatively fine. It turns out that I have 3 solid lumps in my left breast. I was referred to a breast specialist in Gleneagles. Really scared at that time. I've never had anything this serious to the extent of seeing a specialist. On my way there, my mind flashed thru a lot of scenarios, What if it's something bad? Will I be healthy for the rest of my life? Can I still go US? Do I need to go for ops? I'm so afraid of pain one leh...

After looking at the ultrasound pics, the doc concluded that all three shd be benign for now. However one is quite big, the size of 20 cents coin, the other one has a slightly abnormal shape with a thin wall inside the lump. This means that the chance of it being malignant is higher and thus needs to be followed-up closely. So I have to do a check up again when I'm in US in 3 months time, to see if the shape continues to grow abnormally and whether the rest grow bigger. Will have to remove it if any gets too big. However, doc advises me to control my diet and lifestyle first...Haiz, a bomb will have to be spent if I really hav to consult a specialist in the States. Even an ultrasound scan there costs 500 bucks...sian diao...my family also quite worried la, keep urging me to go for ops now... but where got the time?? I need time to recover before I fly off one ma...However the doc got say that I don't have high risk factors, so dun need to worry so much...

But hor, after yesterday's episode, how can I not worry la. Shd anything happen when I'm in the States, will consider coming back to seek treatment, as it'll be much cheaper de, haiz..these are just random tots going thru right now. Maybe I'll be just fine and I worry too much liao...
Although I can take a breather now, but a lot of unknown in the next few years. So glad that Cha will be with me thru all these and it really helps to relieve my fear when he takes time off from his work just to accompany me to all these consultation visits...

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10:19 AM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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14 June 08 - Goodbye, Juno
Updates on my Europe Trip
Vesak Day
Away For Three Weeks
My Phone~
My ROM Part 3 - Moments Not To Be Missed
My ROM Part 2 - Precious Moments
A Post When My Boss Is Not Around~


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