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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just got my visa approved liao, Cha will be collecting them tommorow. Still have to queue for more than half hr to get interviewed lor...dunno y so many ppl in Spore so gian want to go US, quite a fair bit are ANs... Anyway, due to some stupid problem in my visa application, we have to leave Singapore earlier by one week. Have confirmed the flight to be on 8 Aug 08. Going to take SQ to LA then change to UA to reach Washington. 20 hrs flight. Sibei sian... Lucky it's SQ for 16 hrs..more comfortable...Even after we touch down also cannot rest as the place we are going to stay in will be unfurnished, so will have to go shopping for furniture and essential stuff when we reach Maryland in the morning de...

Anyway, because of this change in date, I will be super bz these few weeks lo.. Now compiling a list of things to buy and bring over liao... Rice cooker is definitely top of the list. How abt iron, cooker and bed? Skin care products leh? Will all these be cheaper to bring over or buy over there huh? A lot of question marks in my head now. Also need to make sure my luggage is not overweight de... Can't bear with my soft toys leh, the Porky Family, so intending to bring one or 2 over to accompany me. My blanket also. Contemplating to bring my bolster also. Wah.. so many things!! Warm clothings leh? Will I need more long johns? Too many considerations liao. Also need to spring clean my room, 2 years never clean liao. After my last day at work will leave only 2 weeks to do all these, helppppp!

Starting to miss my home even before I leave. Think I may cry during see-off leh... Whenever I tot of being away from home for so long, my eyes start to be wet wet liao... Lucky my flight is on weekday afternoon, Pinkies will be working, I dun think I can bear to see so many people seeing me off. Will feel so desolete and lonely after I board the plane, so lucky Cha will be with me and I wun be alone...

It was a drastic change of feelings. I was really estactic when Cha informed me when he first got the scholarship. My dream is coming true! Finally... after so many months of preparation for the application. At that time, Aug still seems so far away and the reality of being away from home for 2 years did not really sink in. But as the leaving date is approaching, I'm starting to imagine how life will be when we are over there. Cold and lonely. No one to turn to. Will miss the confort of my home and bed badly. I'm barely left with three weeks at home now. Nowadays when I am sleeping at night, I will try to enjoy the pure bliss of being in my warm and comfortable bed, with my Porky, Smiley, Pinky, pillows and etc by my side. And the fact that my mum also starts to care for me more these past few months makes it more difficult for me to even think of leaving home..

All in all, I'm glad Cha will be with me and I'm still looking forward to a new life with him, our own home, and being able to study again. But I think the first few weeks over there are going to be extremely difficult for me, esp I can't even celebrate my bday in the solace of my home...

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4:47 PM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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14 June 08 - Goodbye, Juno
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Vesak Day
Away For Three Weeks
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My ROM Part 3 - Moments Not To Be Missed
My ROM Part 2 - Precious Moments


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