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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Quite a few updates for the past two weeks. Last Fri, Cha and I made a trip to Singapore Embassy for the CNY celebration. It was supposed to be a get-together for Singaporeans in the Washington DC area but of cuz, the main thing that MOST appealed to us was the food lar..hehe..It was a buffet style dinner with very delicious Hainanese Chicken Rice..Long time never eat liao, tat's why very happy to see the local delicacy there. The rest of the food were those standard buffet food catering in Spore with free flow drinks and alcohol . As attire was required to be business wear for the event, we really got dressed up lor..Cha was in his ROM suit while I wore my dress, with a stocking. I still remember that night was chilling, up to -7 degree, and my pitiful legs, barely covered with black stockings, nearly froze liao... The event was really boring, as we did not know anyone there, but managed to catch a glimpse of the Singapore ambassador. Din have a chance to speak to her thou, as crowds were constantly forming around her...

On Sat, we went to Annapolis, the capital of Maryland for a dinner by the "sea". Although I cannot really see the sea view lar...but the restaurant was really quite nice and quiet, very cottage-like and food prices were within reasonable range. Cha and I each ordered their meal set where each set consists of soup, main course and a dessert, which costs barely $15. Quite okay right! Actually the dinner was to celebrate our 40th month anniversary lar, but as the weather was really cold that night, we went home straight after dinner. Annapoli was a rather nice town lots of boats and yachtes anchoring at the bay, but we decided to go there another time when it is warmer, probably in spring...

The dining room in the embassy

I love cream puffs!
freezing cold


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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


A Very Quiet Chinese New Year
Video Clips of My Trip (1)
Winter Trip (3): Los Angeles, Zion and Bryce
Winter Trip (2): Canyonland, Las Vegas, Death Vall...
Winter Trip (1): Rocky Mountain and Arches
A Belated Xmas Surprise
A Hopeful 2009
Xmas Celebration~


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