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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Went for my very first gown fitting yesterday!!! Woo hoo! But never really see anything that I like lar, so try for fun, anyway it's free one mah =D ~Tried 6-7 gowns altogether, with the much needed assistance from a sales girl. I realise one cannot fit into the gown without help leh, I will surely trip over the hem of the skirt one. Also need a special type of bra for the wedding gown, David's bridal very professional, let me try on the bra, shoes, gown and veil all at same time..haha...But hor, selection is quite limited and the pics on their catalogue looks a bit different when I tried on it, maybe I need to lose some weight bah..have been gaining weight since I'm in US as we eat fast food quite often lor...They also dun have some of the gowns in my size so cannot try on those which I really like. My size is a size 4 lor! hear liao also shiok, macham children size lidat, they have size 2 all the way to size 26, wahahha, suddenly I feel very slim over here...

Actually we planning to do our photo shoots in the States le, but still working on our budget, cuz the make up artist, hair styler, gowns and photographer (in particular) are very very costly. But then, since we are here, might as well use the sceneries here, since air tix is already paid for. Well, this is just a thought, cuz we have not firmed up on anything yet. KIV bah~

After going to several bridal studios, we went to Cha's classmate house for his bday party. Hee, like wad cha said, we long time never go to bday party liao, esp for his age one, and hor this fren already in his mid-thirties liao..pengz.. it was rather enjoyable, a huge crowd turned out and there were lots of finger food. Think I drank too much last nite, got a pounding headache when I got home. Love his home, so damn classy, he macham like CEO of company to live in such a posh condo, haiz, his embassy really took good care of him, not like ours~

See how I strategically sit in front of the food, heheh

The wife made this cake for Jason one, cute hor~

Occa is going to be Cha's gay fren liao~

Look at how HAPPY cha is when Occa is with him~ HUMPH!

Dun like this gown, too simple liao (which most ang mors like)

Tummy coming out liao lar~

Cha said I look like a cake, HUMPH~

Cha dun like the embroidery (So many comments from him, choosy PORK!)
* Actually still got one more gown, ballerina style, those very puffy and princess like style, but Cha said it was so overwhelming he went into shock and forgot to take a pic, hear liao also sian lor~

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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