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Thursday, December 25, 2008

So fast, my first Xmas in Merryland is coming to an end...It's my second straight year that my Xmas Eve was spent without Pink Army, last yr Xmas I was on a Taiwan trip with my family... Really missed the 一年一度 gathering with the usual gift exchanges since we were in sec 2??? It has always been a grand affair for the Pinkies to dress up for the night and countdown together..macham like the Star Award lidat... haha... Although this yr there were only Cha and myself on the Eve, but Chaaa surprised me with a Xmas Present under the Xmas tree!! haha...it was there all along since dinner last nite but as I'm quite short sighted, I couldn't really see anything under the tree...It was only after the Xmas countdown then Chaa asked me to look under the tree for the present -_-" I got a camera!!! My FIRST CAMERA in my life..my gosh..so touched... I even feel a bit paiseh that I din get anything for Chaaa...

The Xmas dinner tonight was sumptuous, we roasted our own turkey!!! hehe, so excited..never washed and marinated such a big bird before..although Chaa did most of the work la..hehe.. We also made our own mashed potato with gravy, butter garlic prawns and broccoli with carrots... all were delicious lor!! But the bird was simply too big, we could only finish around one third of it..will have to eat leftovers from this bird for a few days liao... The dinner was accompanied by dessert wine, simply shiok... As for dessert, we bought a tiramisu cake from a supermarket nearby, cost us 13 bucks lor!! I wanted a log cake but it was not sold here leh... The clean up work was tedious lor...Chaa ended up scrubbing the oven cuz the fluids from the bird overspilled... 茶。。。辛苦你了﹗﹗

My very first camera, in baby pink!! nice hor...

Self prepared Xmas Dinner, too much food for 2 persons liao lar...

Proudly presenting self-roasted turkey- It's an unexpected success!!=D

The chefs with the food~

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11:31 PM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Golden Bride
Living Like A Pig~
My First Thanksgiving Lunch
Driving Test
Outings Today and My First Xmas Tree
Cha's Double Chin
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National Aquarium @ Baltimore


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