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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back from my trip!! Have enjoyed myself in the company of Chaa during these 20 days in the west of United States. Their national parks are stunning, landscapes seem to be straight out of Geography textbooks, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Not to mention the cities in the west are much warmer than in Merryland now, it's damn freezing over here lor...brrrrhh....Among the various places (Rocky Mountains, Arches, Canyonland, Las Vegas, Death Valley, San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Zion and Bryce) I've visited during this trip, I particular find Arches, Death Valley, San Fran and Bryce interesting. I think they are must-go places if one were in the west side of United States. The rock and mountain formations in these parks are really spectacular. San Fran is a city built on rolling hills, driving there will be a huge challenge lor! I love Fisherman's Wharf there, cuz we celebrated Chaa's 29th bday in Neptune Palace Seafood restaurant at Pier 39 over there. View there is nice and food is good, I chose and made the reservation one leh, thou Chaa was the one who foot the bill, hehe =p

Had a memorable trip which Chaaa has once again made it possible for us thru his meticulous planning and tough driving =D We travelled 4000+ miles in total!!! Amazing feat =D (Not to mention he paid all the expenses for the trip again) Thanks Chaaaa!!!! =D

Rocky Mountains

Arches National Park

My favourite: The Delicate Arch (We hiked a long long time to reach this place one leh!)

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


A Belated Xmas Surprise
A Hopeful 2009
Xmas Celebration~
Golden Bride
Living Like A Pig~
My First Thanksgiving Lunch
Driving Test
Outings Today and My First Xmas Tree


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