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Sunday, October 11, 2009

My hint hint was heard!!! Wahahaha~~ Actually I only got to know that we were going for a short fall trip to New England on the evening before we depart on Thurs morning. Chaaa had planned for a very impromptu trip, and because of such a short notice, I was in a mad rush to complete all my assignments in a few hours, especially when my presentation for tomorrow's class was not even done yet! My gosh!! In the end, we only slept for three hours before Cha made the 8-hour drive to New England, State of Vermont. Our accommodation was at Killington Pico Lodge, a very nice and cozy place which is very suitable for the budget-minded.

New England had lived up to its name for having the nicest fall foliage in the country. Its autumn landscape was unlike what I've seen last yr. The entire state was surrounded by mountains with amazing shades of red, orange, yellow and green and everywhere you go you can see the autumn leaves falling and covering the ground. Its striking red and orange hues contrasted very well with those evergreen trees and I've never seen such colorful mountains before! Kind of remind me of the colorful skittles candies where there are orange, lemon, lime and cherry flavors hehe...Sad to say, throughout our three-day stay there, only first day had the most sun, second day was basically cloudy and wet, but lucky it was just a slight drizzle, and did not affect our phototaking session! wahahaha...

First day when we arrived, we quickly rushed to take the ski cable to the top of the Killington Mountain to view the aerial scenery of the Green Mountains, which is famous for its beautiful autumn colors. We spent the entire second day driving towards the North and stopping by to take pictures whenever we saw nice views. And hor, it was also amazing to see how the colors of the leaves transformed day by day, even though we only stayed a few days there, but the landscape seemed to turn redder every morning we went out. Too bad there wasn't many turnout points, and it was very difficult to take pictures while we were on the road. As usual, we couldn't help taking many pictures with the fall scenery. Experiencing fall in Vermont was really nice with a soft and romantic touch to it. Had always hoped that I'm able to go New England to see the fall, and Cha made it happen again!=D So happy~

We also went to Ben and Jerry's ice-cream factory as its ice-cream originates from Vermont itself!! But we were too cold to buy any ice-cream there, and we were also shocked to see the huge crowds lining up for their ice-cream making tours. Apparently, New England was famous for its pumpkin and blueberry pies, and it was true! They taste REALLY good~

Came back yesterday night after Cha endured another gruelling drive. Really glad that we were able to make this trip despite our piling homework! Was a good break for us! =D

Posted many of our narcissistic shots here, wahahahaha~

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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Bday Trip to Hawaii: Part 1 (Maui, 15 Aug - 20 Aug...


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