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Friday, November 27, 2009

Today we had a very special shopping spree!!! Last min got to know that there is one sales event called the Black Friday which means factory outlets will have midnight special sales that mark the first day of post-Thanksgiving Christmas shopping season every yr. So as true singaporeans, of cuz we must go grab the discounts and stimulate world economy lor~~ After downing coffee at 9pm, we made the one-hr drive to Potomac Mills, hoping to reach earlier than midnight.. To our astonishment when we reach at 11:40pm, there was already a long queue outside the mall waiting in the cold man...lucky we managed to sneak in by a side-door opened by one of the retail shop, so that we don't have to wait in the freezing night weather. When the mall opened the door at 12 midnight,we were utterly shocked to see HERDS of people RUNNING in all directions, making us so confused, and we were so tempted to join in the mad rush to where ever the crowds were going. I think hor, americans is in no way inferior to Singaporeans in terms of kiasuism, seldom see ang mors so gian peng, quite a hilarious sight, should have catch it on video man...

Despite all the mad rush, we still slowly swayed our way to the Coach Outlet and were again very shocked to see the super long queue already forming outside the shop!!! ... My Gosh...we waited for half an hr, before we were let into the shop, kept reprimanding ourselves that we should have dashed for Coach once we were let into the mall, then no need to wait so long... Actually the Black Friday Special for Coach was storewide 20% discount off entire purchase, on top of the outlet discounted price, so quite worth la...Both Cha and I wasted no time in grabbing whateva nice bags we saw to "chop" them first...then slowly select the ones we like...Bought quite a few bags...WAHHHHH~~!!!! SHIOK AH~ but of cuz not all are mine la...got buy for Cha's mum and aunt, my mum and sis also...hmmm now we wonder how we are going to bring all these bulky stuff back to Spore...Also should have seen how those tiongs buy the coach bags, macham free lidat, they bought SO MANY bags that they have to drag the entire load on the floor...gosh..how cum they seem so rich??!!

Also went to some other shops like Tommy Hilfiger to get some sweaters for my sis, polo ralph, banana republic, espirit etc etc...everywhere we see is people, very rare we get to see huge crowds everywhere in the wee hours of the morning, like a normal weekend day lidat...we shopped from 12 midnight to 8 am in the morning, really very shiong ah, tiring man...Had breakfast at McDonald and finally can get my beauty sleep at 10 am, hmmm...happy & satisfied =D

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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