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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Time for November updates! This month has been so hectic for me as deadlines for projects and assignments are drawing near and submissions are almost back to back lo... However still managed to watch the HK drama series "宫心计", super nice leh...I love to watch such shows with a lot of evil casts and scheming plots one..hehe

Had my semi-annual check up again, heng everything is still stable despite my higher intake of soy milk and chicken recently, simply cannot resist temptations la...Last Sat went shopping at Arundel Mills again, and had iHOP for breakfast and CHAMPS for dinner, shiok! I LOVE PANCAKES FROM IHOP!!!

This Sat is more unique, woke up before 6am, hopefully can witness Wyn's proposal process, hehe, but too bad, missed the actual process cuz timing dun match, but still got video cam with pinkies after the proposal...haha...all of them are still the same, all start chattering at the same time, so most of the times they cannot hear what I'm saying cuz they too engrossed in themselves liao...haha...funny, so missed all these chattering and 38ing together lo...

So happy for wyn today, she's accepted zy's proposal today liao! Wyn and zy are such a perfect match!!! Wahahah, with ah hei, they make a perfect family together lo...

Since today we up so early, we went out marketing earlier so that we can start our sat date on an earlier note. Had wanted to do some sightseeing today at the Baltimore area, but weather too cloudy, so may be postponed to next Sat, ended up watching 2012 at a super early promotion price and settling our dinner at TGIF today, got a promotion $20 can get 2 mains and one appetizer, quite worth, although portion was too small for Cha's liking...

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11:48 PM



O Come O Come Emmanuel 差一刹的地老天荒 新不了情 背叛

Random Peeps


It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Dear Pinkies 1
Dear Pinkies 2
Aurora Borealis
Bz Bz Week
Fall Foliage at New England (8-10 Oct 09)
Post Mid Autumn Dinner
4th Year Anniversary
Horrible Experience at My Eye Dr.
A shocking news


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