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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Another snow storm today, except that it was much serious than the previous one...Public transport were all suspended and it's not a good news for us!!!! LAAAA~~~!!! We are taking a flight tomorrow and there is no way we know when the public tpt will resume again. So how are we going to get to the airport tomorrow morning?? Now Cha and I are in a half-panic mode, and even resort to calling taxi companies that are notorious for their exorbitant fees...But not even taxis accept our reservations due to the snow storm lor! Cham lar, pray hard that the airport shuttle will start accepting reservations when we call tomorrow given that the storm should clear by tomorrow morning.

Again I was super excited abt the huge amount of snow piling up on the ground today, it even reached our knee levels! Read the news that today's snowfall was a record breaker in decades! Wow! Glad that we are able to experience such record snowfall during our stay here, but it would be better if it occurs another time.. lol..We had wanted to drive out today to do some last min shopping for our trip, but our car did not even manage to make out of the estate when it got stuck in the snow bank, unable to move at all...wah...sibei scary, I was fumbling for my camera in the bag when Cha collided onto the roadside curb, as the snow covered all roads and even the pavements completely such that drivers are unable to differentiate the roads from the curbs. So dangerous. Lucky the apartment receptionist helped us push the car out of the thick snow, and the car managed to run again. But after the scare, we decided that it was really dangerous to drive in such white-out conditions so we turned back. Even parking was tedious, cuz snow had already accumulated on all the parking lots and thus it was diff to maneuver the car into the lot. The car nearly died on us again.. Sian.. Bo bian, so Cha had to go to the supermarket alone by foot lor..

This snow storm was not a good start to our trip, haiz, but we are still full of anticipation and excitement.. A little bit worried abt the extreme cold weather in Alaska, but I guess it shd be fine if we are properly clad in warm clothing. Hope we have a safe and very enjoyable trip and pray for a spectacular aurora borealis!! =D

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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