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Monday, March 01, 2010

Wow, time really passed so fast, it's already our second wedding anniversary!! Had expected Cha to bring me to some good restaurant to celebrate our anniversary on last Friday, but I got a shock when Cha told me to pack up for a short getaway trip on Thur night! WEEEEEEEEEE!!! We went to Virginia Beach which was a good 4 hour drive away.. Although I had to leave tonnes of homework behind, but I was really happy to go for a short short trip! To celebrate our anniversary at a beach front was so nice and romantic...Cha booked Marriott Springhill Suites which he redeemed from the points we have accumulated. Our ocean front room was so NICEEEE!! The bed was by the full length window which had a balcony directly facing the Atlantic Ocean!! Think it was the first time in my life getting to see sunrise from the bed, although my eyes could hardly open when the sun was rising...Haa..Cha was already at the balcony taking loads of sunrise pics while I was still pigging out.

Dinner on first evening was at Mahi Mah's restaurant. The food was nice and ambience was quite good, although a bit noisy from our neighboring tables. It was supposed to be a candlelight dinner! Cha had oysters and ordered the sashimi plate...can tell he enjoyed the food lor...esp sucking the oysters, can see the eyes rolling upwards.. lol~~ I ordered a seafood mix with broth...very delicious too!

The second day was spent taking pics by the beach front. I realized Virginia Beach was really quiet during winter, probably it was too cold for beaching le...shops closed early, and not many people at the beach...was nice though, cuz the stay was really peaceful and quiet..and we can just spend the day strolling by the boardwalk and ocean without running into people everywhere. Buffet breakfast was good, supposed to be award winning, but definitely lose out to Singapore hotels' international breakfast lar..boo~ Again confirmed my thought that Americans missed out a lot on good food in their lives man~

Afternoon we went whale watching..but sad to say, after having the freezing wind slapped our faces for 2 full hours, there was not a single whale in sight, haiz...lazy whales..dunno go where to sleep liao...spent $56 staring at the horizon between the sky and sea and have to bear with the cold wind some more leh...LAAAAA~~~ To console ourselves, I guess it's the company that counts bah..=p

Second dinner on the actual anniversary date was at Roackafeller's restaurant. Their crabmeat balls were damn good la, no fillers at all...Their main portions were really huge too...the grilled tuna and salmon were so thick, I cannot finish my vegetables and potatoes. Very worth leh...salad + main course + dessert = $13.99 only!! wahhaa, cuz it was the happy hour mah...had the dinner early so Cha can drive the long way back~

This second wedding anniversary was a memorable and happy one, which I will remember for years to come... But it was toooo shorttt!! We made a pact on the boat that we will visit Hawaii again on our 10th year wedding anniversary~~~hehe~ Looking forward to it...Think my honeymoon will be something like this, just relax by the ocean, having spa, shopping, strolling...~~ Hmm...should be nice...If we take city tour, then will be too rushed and exhausting liao...

Thanks Cha for all the planning done, it was really enjoyable with a lot of good food! Hope we will always stay so happy and loving in the future! But I guess that the most memorable part was when we were exchanging cards, cuz WE BOUGHT THE SAME CARDS FOR EACH OTHER!! PENGZZZ!! We laughed so hard until I had tears coming out. So funni...and yet, so special, cuz this shows that we share the same frequency! =D

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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