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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Had a new haircut at the training school on Sat...at first I thought the new hairstyle looked really nice as the student helped me took off a huge load of hair, and incorporated much more layerings than all my previous haircuts, at least my hairstyle looks more "lively" and head feels lighter...No joke when I saw the amount of hair on the floor, can make into a single wig lor! But horror struck after I washed my hair and slept in with my very thin mob...When I woke up, I was horrified to see that my hair was curled out in all sorts of directions, and the problem is that it dun look like permed hair lor!! LAAAA!!~~ Sooooo hard to tame now, I think I look better with my previous thick hair, at least in pics...sian + sad...Only rebonding can save me!!! WAIL~~ have to wait two months more lor...

Now Cha and I are both freezing...all geared up in my sweater and thick wool socks...ridiculous that it is almost summer now and we have to shiver in the cold almost everyday. Unpredictable weather...all becuz our apartment management refused to on the heater, really lousy A/C, heater system...all centralized one leh! And they cannot be bothered to monitor temperature every day..Worst still, our portable heater is spoilt!!! LAAAA~~~ But I think such weather is still much betta than the hot humid Singapore weather bah...dunno how Cha who is so scared of heat can adjust back to tropical climate and have to endure with the "sticky sticky" feeling again...hahah

Got my results too...All As! Yaay! My prayers are answered, gonna pass my good luck to Cha~~ =D

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