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Sunday, May 02, 2010

Happy 55th Monthly Anniversary!! So fast and it's another month again! Were wondering whether we would be able to celebrate 1000th monthly anniversary...dunno whether we are still around...got 500th monthly anniversary already very grateful..hehe..

We went to Old Town at Alexandria, located in Virginia, a historic site where George Washington used to live in...wahhh...really quite old liao, it's the nation's third oldest town! Reached at 10am cuz we wan to chop free parking but our worries were unfounded, cuz not many ppl at all! First stop was the farmer's market at market square...Bought one pint of ice-cream, which was a really huge tub! Greedy Cha gobbled down more than half the tub and ended up having diarrhoea lor...haiz...In the end settled our lunch at Hard Times Cafe for the supposedly "best chili" in America, so that Cha can use the restroom...I'm not a big fan of chili, but it really tastes quite good... As for Cha's main, it was a wash out la..fries lacked crispiness and chili dog TOOOOOO salty liao lar...lucky I played safe and just ordered the appetizer chicken tender...

Old town got a lot of eateries leh, we even saw the jap restaurant Ichiban! Wahh so miss its food and so tempted to dine there, but too full after the ice-cream liao lo...Harbor also quite scenic, but temperature was scorching hot... Such a contrast to the chilly weather for the past few days, but so happy to wear my singlet and shorts!

Dinner was at a thai restaurant in Silver Spring, had wanted to dine at a more unique restaurant in Old Town, but Cha needed soupy food to soothe his very upset stomach la... Nonetheless, it was a good outdoor trip as compared to our boring shoppings centers lor! And spend less $$ too~

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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