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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hmm...so fast we are going into the month of April, a few months later we'll be back to Spore...time moves so fast and we are so preoccupied with school work that we cannot even properly enjoy the last few months in Merryland...haiz..think I'm going to miss this place...just like how I was saddened to leave Singapore two years ago...a bit fan4 jian4...heh... Although social life here is sorely lacking for me, I like the stay in Merryland because it is so carefree, without having to worry about other people's expectations and obligation of us. Pressure for these obligations is tremendous and totally uncalled for in this new age, that's y the choice to come to Merryland was prob the most correct choice we have made...Just hope that we can lead a happy and carefree life as we do now when we go back to Spore, I miss my family, friends, and of cuz the local delicacy, and I certainly prefer my home in Spore, but I just don't want any unnecessary stress and obligations that we have to worry for... Because we are already adults liao! We should have the freedom to choose what we want to do and are certainly learning to be fully independent and are preparing to set up our own family unit in the near future..

Cha has been suffering from persistent chest pain since last week, which culminated on Sun, where every little movement he made hurts like hell.. We cannot really discern whether the pain was due to muscle problems, or worse still heart problems. Cha has such on and off chest pain even bfore coming to Merryland, so the pain was actually quite worrying. And the health center did not help much at all lor! Last week, Cha was already complaining of intermittent chest pain and yet the urgent care he received was just a consultation with a nurse practitioner...gosh..DOES IT HELP??? SHOULDN'T THEY FIND A DOCTOR TO DIAGNOSE THE PROBLEM???? So this nurse prescribed muscle relaxation pills for Cha, on the ground that he was PROBABLY suffering from muscle problems, and the funny thing is, anyone with heart problem have significantly increased risk of heart attack upon consuming these pills...WHAT THE???!! Shocked beyond words... What if Cha's condition really stem from the heart itself? Judging from Cha's intense pain on Sun, it don't really seem like muscle problem as muscle problem usually goes away in a few days, so Cha decided not to take the tablets and asked the health center to schedule another appointment with a REAL DOCTOR today, who specialises in sports injury by the way, but better than nothing. At least a real doctor can refer him to a real specialist if there is a need to...

I think Merryland Uni's health center is LOUSY...First, they refused to let him see a real doctor even when it's chest pain, secondly, they anyhow prescribed dangerous medicine for him, and the most angry part is when Cha requested to see a doc on Mon because of the intense pain the day before, the heath care center refused to let him see the doctor earlier, must wait for the appointment on Wed Afternoon... So if it's heart attack, also must wait for the scheduled appointment lar??!! Who says Spore is too rigid and always goes by the books? In this respect, Singapore pales in comparison with this O'mighty country. Fumed by their lack of urgency in areas that they should...And I still can remember how the women's health doctor referred me to sonogram check up on the WRONG breast...PENGZ!


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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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