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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today symbolizes an important academic milestone for me, finally...the commencement ceremony was held today after two years of hard work =D

A new graduate reception was held on Fri evening. I din expect the food to be that good! Lucky we went...the cake desserts were indeed some of the best cakes I've eaten in the States. Esp the black forest and vanilla bean cakes...my gosh...they were so nice! Too bad I was too full from the mains to even get a second helping...

But...the graduation ceremony held today was tortuously boring...I stood at the backstage of the auditorium staring blanking into space for one and a half hour, so that all graduates were lined up properly for procession, so sian lar! I felt giddy and unwell, thought that I might black out somemore...maybe becuz I did not have enough breakfast, and the long standing duration made the sickly feeling worse. Even after we got to sit down in the hall, we spent another three hours listening to speeches and waited for the rest of the graduates to walk the stage...buttock also become numb liao...

Hmm...it was quite a lonely ceremony for me..as I do not know many classmates, and the few I know either did not attend or it was impossible to locate them in the sea of crowds. Therefore even though I had 10 tickets, only one was used by Cha, the rest went to waste...haiz..how I wish my family were here lor... Also noticed a few differences between NUS and US graduation ceremonies here. In the US, the hoods are meant for master students, however I remember I wore hoods when I graduated from NUS last time. Undergraduates here wore stole of gratitude in place of the hood in NUS... Also, the gown for US graduates is MUCH MUCH easier to wear! Just zip up can liao... Strangely enough, the master hoods have to be put on by faculty members, so as to formally symbolize our advancement to masters degree. But in NUS, my hood was already securely fastened to my gown even before the ceremony! ha...lucky I din try the same stunt here, or else, I macham very kan cheong to declare my degree in advance, haa...

After a few pictures taken in my graduation robe, we spent the rest of day waiting for our car to be repaired, need to change two front tyres leh!!! LAAA!!~~~ Again, this car really cost us a lot of money sia...this time around $250, but better change cuz threading of the tyres have already worn out, so may skid in wet weather, which would be very dangerous lor... Reminds me of the Alaska incident~

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