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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Farewell to Tyson's Corner, sobz... shall miss the yam flavor yogurt ice-cream store. Recently Victoria Secret got quite good sales, 15.99 for all sales bras, and 2.99 for all sales panties, but as usual, I think my size is really common here, so not much good stuff left. Instead designs for those super big sizes were readily available! Of cuz I managed to grab a few before all were gone..haiz..those were the last of the dollars my dad gave me as ang bao~~ But hor, quite disappointed with the quality of my first VS purchase. The color came off! Dyed my other white apparel blue...I was really incensed man... So beware of VS bright colored bras! And only buy them on sale lor, or else not worth the overpriced hype.

Sat was pretty well spent. FINALLY, we got around to make our free photo coffee album which we were entitled to when we purchased Cha's new Nikon camera during our Seattle trip in Jan. We selected classic pictures from our stint in the US, and were very pleased with the results, despite being a free product. But as expected, something went wrong during the printing process, so we had the chance to make a second album!! hehe~ One AT couple saw Cha's photography work in the album, were quite impressed and even approached him to help take pictures of their child. Haa..But dunno we got the time or not la..given that Cha needs to tie up loose ends for his thesis, and not to mention the immense amt of packing that needs to be done...wah think liao also headache. We are unable to bring all our stuff back!!! May resort to shipping, which cost us a bomb! 260 bucks for 100lbs. Cha's sponsor really KNS, only give us 75 bucks for all the shipping, where got enough???!!! How come other high ranking officers have half a container, we can barely only ship one small box, so unfair lor!!

Another attempt at new york cheesecake. All my fault that there was extra cream cheese in the fridge. Me too greedy, so bought extras when it was on sale. Now bo bian I had to bake one cheesecake for our breakfast for the next one week. So fattening!

Hopefully Cha can more or less get the green light for his thesis soon, then we can start booking air tix! When I return, need to rebond my hair first, my hair is in a bad shape, next must go for big seafood feasts, and lastly, hope I can get a good job as my bday present! hehe=D

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


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