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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally get to blog about this trip since our return on Tue evening. Yellowstone and Grand Teton are really gorgeous national parks! Think geology enthusiasts will enjoy Yellowstone a lot as it is one of the world's hot spot for thermal activities. More than two thirds of the world's geysers can be found there! This is not even including the amazing number of hot springs there...Impressive~ But the weather was still freezing when we were there, a bit sian that I have to wrap up like a dumpling throughout the trip, since almost all my trips I almost always wear the same cardigan..hehe..bobian lar, too cold liao! I rather be overdressed than shiver in cold and cannot thoroughly enjoy myself. That's why the hot springs looked so tempting to me lor, really wanted to soak myself in those colorful and comforting hot springs that are in the national park, but they are all too hot liao. Heard there were numerous deaths in the hot springs, so better dun play play...

The must see is the Old Faithful Geyser and the Grand Prismatic Spring. We found it fascinating that hot springs can be so colorful due to the heat loving extremophiles. We also had to hike relatively long distances to see major attraction spots, therefore this trip was comparably quite an exhausting one. Even threw my tantrum when Cha lost us in the deep forest on our way to see the hidden falls -_-", haiz...feel a bit bad after that, when we finally reached the Inspiration Point that beheld a gorgeous landscape of the Jenny Lake. Also had a lot of fun photo taking, although our poses all looked the same as there was a limit to taking self shots. This was esp the case when we were using tripod to take pics and Cha was the one to carry the heavy equipment throughout our trip. Kudos to Cha!

All the fatigue was however more than compensated by the huge feasts throughout the stay. How can we not try the game meat that was an icon in the downtown? Hehe...We tried both bison and elk meat, and found that bison (aka buffalo) meat taste just like beef , just a tad tougher. Elk meat (aka deer meat) is more tender, and reminds me strongly of my all time favourite, hot plate deer meat in spore! I wonder why bisons are also called buffalo in America cuz the buffaloes in spore zoo looked different one lor! At least they swam in water, I remember. Breakfasts were also good as we hunt for different cafes that served delicious hot American breakfast every morning. Yummy!

Thanks to Cha's meticulous planning again, I have thoroughly enjoyed this trip which was entirely focused on the nature theme. Yellowstone NP is a perfect place for geological education, stunning natural landscape and wildlife spotting. It's confirmed guarantee plus chop that one can definitely sight a wildlife. And very close up too, much much better than nite safari in spore where I had to squint my eyes to look for any animal in the dark (if there were). I think US is really very, very fortunate to be blessed with so many impressive and magnificent national parks. No wonder the locals rather travel domestically than buy expensive air tix to fly elsewhere. Lucky Americans!

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
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