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Monday, May 31, 2010

Went for a road trip to Boston, Maine, and New York City after we gave Cha's family a tour of Washington DC. We set off the day after Cha's commencement ceremony, which was well, another hypnotizing session for Cha's mum and me, as we practically slept thru the ceremony half the time. The worst part was that Cha's graduation ceremony was split into 2 different days! My Gosh! Think Cha also dozed off after he walked the stage ...hehe..

The road trip was almost identical to last year, albeit shorter one, as we did not have time and visa permission to tour Canada this time round. Was still as impressed with Harvard University's gorgeous campus. Really regret last time did not study hard enough to piah for a scholarship to enter Harvard. I can really feel the pride of being a harvard student when we visited the campus. The beautiful and prestigious campus was unrivaled in the world, I think. So envious of the students here lor, if my future child has to go for overseas education, I think it must be Harvard and nothing else...will pray hard for this to happen!=D

The lobster feast in Maine was still as fantastic. The pincer meat was one of its kind, succulent and amazingly sweet tasting. Cha's dad loved it so much he had it twice for two days straight despite high cholesterol. Cha also! Must control his diet for the next few weeks liao...hmm...Of cuz..another advantage of my future child attending Harvard 20 years down the road is that we can get to eat the super delicious lobsters again!! hehe...dun think we can ever get to eat it in Singapore, or even Msia...I'm gonna miss Maine lobsters a lot. It's a great pity my parents did not have a chance to eat the lobsters here, I'm sure they will love it as well=(

We were blessed with sunny weather at Boston this time round, and although we had been there bfore, we took a lot of pictures again! Had a couple of good jump shots with Liberty statue, but my ankles hurt when we were done after the many NGs! It was fun though. Too bad due to time constraints, this trip was a little rushed, or else it would be more enjoyable. And my poor Cha was so tired due to the endless driving of 1600 miles and deprived sleep during the week. I think family trip was more tiring as we had to constantly make sure that no one gets fallen behind, and of cuz playing hosts were really exhausting. Heh, and we also cannot be siao lang when parents were around and cover as much ground as bfore... But having someone around to take photos for us was a plus, esp Cha's dad and bro are both really good in photography~

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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