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Friday, December 16, 2005

Im sick; Im not chinese (wahahaa)...hmm..todae take off beczu im very drowsy after medication.. all in all this week has been fruitful... everyday I get to visit the clusters and interact with clients there. On monday it's a cluster (A3, A5) and KBC visit... for KBC Im surprised that it does not look wat it's supposed to be.. a lot of freedom and access to privileges, totally diff from the stereotype that I hav. Their presentations earned wow from us, very professional and well done; can tell that they put in a lot of efforts. For the cluster visit, I get to visit their workshops, bakery and laundry, well organized and hardworking, again it's a surprise for me.. Tuesday I get to visit A1 max security house. Yes all the hardcores are there, and I dun dare to make eye contact with the passerby becuz they all look so fierce and unfriendly lo..my sup's client also lai(2) tou(2)bu(4) xiao(3). perhaps he's the fear of many ppl many years back.. he's polite la, but I cannot really understd him but still impressed me with his standard of english. btw, I also saw angmors in the cluster too, which shocked me la, tot they will be housed in another place. Yesterday had been fun for me. all my clients were young, and talkative. Cuz im the only female there, they r curious and tok to me a lot. At first i dun feel comfortable with the attention they gave me, but they showed me respect and slowly, I opened up to them. They asked me the recent trends la, my personal life details la, and shared with me some of their work they have done. Im impressed again by their good conduct and despite their wrongdoings in the past, they seemed repentant and diligent when doin their homework. Im also flattered when they said I look like Christy Chung, wahaha (*my readers out there dun vomit la, they were quite sincere, but think they too long never watch TV, so pls pardon them lo=P)They even requested me to visit them today but unfortunately Im sick and cannot make it le:( My sup actually planned another assessment this morning, but I am too weak to go to work la, so missed this opportunity. I really wanted to go one...these experiences realli inspired me and strengthen my passion for my field. My sup is also a nice guy, like him a lot and he taught me many things which I can never learn from campus:) thats' all for todae la, the whole week's summary. Muz start buying xmas present le, have not bought any yet..opps=p

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
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Zheng Yu
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Reading again~
First day of internship
It's heaven~
One more to go~
Freezing Tuesday
Survived PL5221
Blood pressure rising
Rose Guy
My First paper
The day after tomorrow


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