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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Todae Im hav been coughing my head off... but at least I get to sit in at TMP for the whole day. TMP is another max security house, albeit the older version, it's strict there la, cannot bring my belongings inside,including $$, hp and sweets!! In the end, I onli brought in my tissue, water bottle lo, so ke lian, That's y today I din take any medication becuz all my belongings were outside. I hav to get thru at least 10 gates before I finally reach the office lo and there is only one toilet that is shared by all male and female staff there. Strang enuf, the toilet is inside the prison officer's room lo (all males ) then still hav to hang the "toilet in use" sign to alert others when Im using. I also use it at top speed in case anyone barge in cuz the locks were not working lo, scary~ My attached buddy there, Dominic brought me for two personality assessments todae. I still remembered that I was his participant for his thesis two years ago, cuz his name very unique...haha, fancy meeting him again in PSB... During the assessment, the clients hav to complete a 334 items questionaire (PAI). But some of them not gd in reading english lo, and I have to read every single 334 statements for one of them, sometimes explaining to them. The second session worse, hav to translate the statements into mandarin for one client..wah sey, not easy le, on the spot translation, but I did quite ok la, cuz the statements were simple and short...haha..Dominic said Im good thou..wahaha..Altogether, I hav read out near to 800 statements to my clients lo...no easy feat, and I was coughing alongside, like an old woman..wahaha. My coughing seems to get worse, but it's expected la, since my medication cannot be regular, juz hope that I can recover by Xmas eve~

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