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Friday, August 17, 2007

YEEEYUCKSSS!!! A yucky disguisting green caterpillar landed on my neck yesterday. I realized it only when 2 Indonesian ladies informed me on the MRT. Inititally I tot these 2 ladies were gossiping abt me as they whispered to each other and kept stealing glances at me. I even glared at them so as to warn them to stop looking at me. Then one of them came towards me and flung the disguisting worm onto the MRT floor. SO ER XIN. My goosebumps came out after seeing the worm wriggling on the floor. While we were all looking at the worm making its way to the pole, got this super kay por man coming from the next door and stomp down on the worm and dragged this poor worm across the floor. Super gross! The green worm broke into half and u can see all the liquid gushing out from its body, YUCKS.. Damn unlucky, I have a phobia of worms and this has to happen to me. Lucky I kept my composure and din scream out loud in front of so many ppl. My utmost appreciation to the lady who helped me get the worm off me, cannot imagine another second longer with the stupid worm on my neck. Feel like gagging as I am writing this...*faint*.

My father also did something funny today. He said happy birthday to me this morning!!!! Then I looked blur and told him today not my bday which he replied "Not today meh?" haizz.. it's either he tot my bday is 17th, or he got the date wrong for today, hopefully it's the latter. Dunno if he will wish me again tomolo morning hor...hee..

Later going to Brewerkz for dinner with Pink de..looking foward to it, I quite like Brewerk, beer is nice.. Pink said today not staying late cuz now it's seventh lunar month and is creepy to go home late..yah agree, I'm kind of tired and restless this week.. But then no one count down to midnite with me?? On a brighter note, I'm only hrs away from knowing my bday present fr Chaa...wahahah.. He is also keeping the dining place a secret..aiyoh..so mysterious..makes me so excited.. But then feeling a bit blue also, what do I have to look forward to after my bday?? I can't stand working routinely again.. tots of this makes me sian...Work makes me so unmotivated in life.. I guess have to wait for Anniversary celebration in Oct lo... CHAAAAA I'm so excited of the plans u have for me tomorrow!!!! =D

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10:49 AM



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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
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I can't Breathe...
US Trip photos of Chaa and myself
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