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Monday, August 20, 2007

My bday is over within a blink of eyes...so fast! It's one of the best bday ever, think partly due to the fact that it falls on a weekend, which is quite rare for me.. Have started the marathon weekend celebration with Pink @ Brewerks. Most turned up and we took quite a number of pic thou I lost track of who took them, haa ... Was quite surprised when Cha suddenly turned up with pink roses for me and mucks me on my pimple on my left cheek..wahaha... Tot Cha not coming this time cuz Jun not ard to liase with, and I had not tot of Moreen in the first place.. Of cuz the finale came when I made a birthday wish before blowing out the candles on the cake. Hope what I've wished for cum true! The touching moment came when I received so many bday smses after midnite.. realli touched!! This includes frens whom I've not heard from for a long time..my pri sch frens, my sec sch frens, my jc frens, my uni frens..I must remember to do the same for their bdays!

Cha counted down my bday with me. Midnite came when we reached the void deck, felt quite heartwarming when Cha sang the happy birthday song softly to me. Cha fetched me at ard 11 am the next morning. We went to this small Italian restaurant for desserts at Upper Bukit Timah area. It looks like a small cozy cottage and I love their vanilla cake, it was very nice! Too bad we were too full to eat their main course..it looks pretty authentic there, but Cha promised that he will bring me there for dining again=)

Not much events for the day because there are really not many places to go to for day activities, so we shop ard Vivo city before Cha drove us to the dinner place which he has made it so mysterious...D'sire is located across the Maxwell Mkt, along the street of shophouses. The decor is dark and quite romantic, hav a soft feel, with hanging blinds and huge sofa seats by the window. The restaurant has a sensual theme, the menu even hav erotic pics printed on them lo.. makes me feel so shy..haa but nothing sleazy there la...The food damn expensive..even the cheapest (vegetarian pasta) costs $32+++, wahhh... Of cuz Im not that stupid to order this dish la, super bo hua one..I had a seabass and chaa had a pork trio combo..servings damn small lo... dunno if Chaa was full or not... the whole bill amts to hundred plus, the food actually dun worth that much de, it's like eating ambience..

wahaha...despite Chaa's effort to keep the gift a top secret, yuan lai I had already hit the bull's eye in the past, I even told Pink abt it!! It's a Burberry bag! Ha but of cuz Chaa had managed to mislead me into thinking it's not la.. Even thou I had guessed it correctly, but I still appreciate the effort Chaa had put into to find it for me. Actually I had not even told Chaa the particular model I like, I had just made a passing remark on Blue Label when Tian showed us that day. He managed to buy the correct one!! wahahaha... I know he went thru a lot of trouble to get the bag as he had to get someone to buy it from Japan. Chaa nearly cannot get it because of the high demand for this bag... My first branded bag..so touched:)

After dinner, Chaa brought me to this alfresco chill-out place where the whole cafe overlooks the whole outram area..It was nice!! The weather is gd and I sat facing the lights of the city area. I can even see the fireworks there, thou only partially, but it's beautiful...

After the drinks Chaa came to my house and we played Chor Dai Di to end off the day.. But I was really mad that Chaa won most of the rounds.. Tot my birthday would hav better luck de, humph... nearly touched to tears when Cha sang me a bday song again near mid nite which marks the end of my 24th Bday...=)

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11:25 AM



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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Green Caterpillar
Waiting and Waiting...
Fishball Face~
I can't Breathe...
US Trip photos of Chaa and myself
First Posting in 2007_Vennie @ Work~
Sch is starting~
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