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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Late King is late again, humphhh..thou slightly late, it's still late. I hate waiting..Feels like I've always been waiting for others for as long as I can remember. It's not so frustrating to wait in grps because the waiting time gets accentuated when I'm alone. In the past, I always try my best to show up on time because I don't like friends waiting for me, now I'm feeling the opposite, I think it's better to show up late.. ha..sometimes being punctual, thou it's a desirable attribute, does weigh on me and I've to end up waiting and waiting and waiting, with no apology made by the other party and that piss me off. The most irritating of all is some of the LAME excuses for the delay even though that could have been avoided if effort is made. I guess frequent late comers often take punctual ppl for granted and deem it as no big deal for the other party to wait, and this is very unfair to punctual ppl. So the morale of the story: If u r always going to end up waiting for ppl, u turn up later than these ppl. This is the philosophy I'm going to embrace, yah man...

Feeling very inept today, lousy in fact. I don't understand y my big boss, supposedly a person with high functionality don't know how to respond to the big big big boss and needs us to craft a intelligible response for him. I din know I have to do to tis extent, and ends up my small boss penning a speech for him when I'm supposed to be the one doing it...Y muz he be spoonfeeded leh? Doesn't the high pay justify whatever he has to do on his own? Super idiot, the answer has already been given and repeated, but juz because he wanted to do things his own way he kept bugging us for the ans he wanted. So many restrictions, cannot means cannot wat..still so stubborn to make things work. ..U so brilliant u give the chairman the ans urself, dun push all the chasing work to us la! This is the way C**** S****** works what. So damn rich, yet so stingy, yet want the best of both worlds so that u look intelligible in front of all ur bosses, I DUN GIVE A DAMN LA. Im very very frustrated w work, I HATE WORK HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT...

Miserable now, how can I ever bear with it for another yr~~~

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