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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lately I like to call Chaa as Porky, dunno y...juz gives me a heartwarming feeling, so Cha got another endearment liao. Cha said that it reminded him of the "Porky" in the Bookworm Club, and tat's my favourite book series when I was in Pri 1 lor!! In return I was given another nick "piglet", now we sound like a family of pig...

Quite bz with my KM stuff lately, have been arrowed to do presentation, sian, I hate presentations because I cannot present well. I'm supposed to persuade the management to accept my ideas, may end up kana rejected cuz I may sound shaky and not forceful enough, lose face leh...But then get it over and done with lar..after this one there shdn't be anymore presentation liao.

Today my director asked me in the car how much longer I wld stay in the company. Then I remembered that I had indicated I'd not stay longer than one year in my employee survey (supposed to be confidential as promised by the survey company). But I still feared that somehow he will manage to find out lo, so I clumsily steered the topic away and started to blabber lots of crap. Damn obvious. Even if I dun say anything, from my response, I think he knows liao. Dunno whether this will affect my confirmation as perm staff or not. Not that I kian confirmation in my company. But no harm being confirmed, haa..

I really hate being alone with my dir. He always asks me very sensitive questions. Answers which are not supposed to be known by him. If I don't tell him the truth, he will soon find out that I'm lying. If I tell him the truth, then it's stupid. Dilemma lar, think next time I avoid being alone with him better.

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