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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Life is never perfect...ya..I know, it's a clich'e statement but I can't help but feel strongly on this. No matter how impossible my dreams may be, I still want to fulfill them because life is short and I only get to live once. I just dun belong to the category who are easily contented. Although I lead a good life as compared to so many other people in the world, I still find myself envious of ppl who can realize all their dreams. Sad to say, I always dun get the best in life, the most I can get is second best. This applies to my studies, my dreams, what I want to do, my relationships, etc... Although my job is comfortable, but I just dun like what I'm doing, and I also dunno what I can do otherwise..So many other factors deterring me from changing job.

I want to travel around the world, and this means I have to use up all my savings and start from scratch again after I'm done. Sad to say, by the time I'm financially able, I'm already old and may start tagging kids with me. Really dun want that to happen to me. I'd rather delay all family planning until I've done what I want in life and not let them burden me before that. Yes, I'm selfish, but since no one helps me achieve my dream, then there is no reason for me to to do the same for others. It's all about expectations ppl have of me. Like Danny has said what I want to do is impractical and unrealistic, but he just dun understand what I'm going thru, of cuz he can say anything since he has already done what I want to do... Easy for him to say. Even going to cluster B places are not special anymore...Another example of never getting the best in life...

Haizz..I'm complaining and dreaming again....

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