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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So touched that pinkies gave me so many suggestions so that I wun be so sian... Haiz, just in very bad mood that day, cuz tat PORKY made me very mad that day, then thinking of all the 委屈ness of cooking meals and ironing clothes for him, and being a social hermit made me so moody and lonely at times. Haiz, I broke down for nearly an hr tat nite, stupid PORK. But after tat I felt much better le, and after treating me to a dinner at Boston Mkt the following evening, we were ok again liao, even thou Cha was also pretty mad at me for giving him attitude for 2 whole days.

Sometimes really miss the Fri gatherings w Pinkies, the Sunday outings with my family and datings with Cha on Sats in Spore (cuz can afford to go chill out in spore). Being here means have to take care of my own self, no mother to fuss over me when I'm unwell, no ready-cooked meals every evenings. It's a totally different experience over here. There are trade-offs thou. Here I have no friends, always have to face Cha from day to nite and nite to day. Cannot really connect with my classmates, and Cha's classmates are mostly australians, dun really understand their accents. And their wives all seem to be pretty bz and have their own activities... Me like a hermit crab now, day in day out only tok to cha. So when we have tiffs, really diff for me to find anyone to tok to here, end up in coldwars and I can only sulk all the way to show my displeasure.

However at the other extreme end, I can always look forward to Sats over here becuz we can go explore different places. Like last Sat we went to Williamsburg in Virginia, a 3-hr drive away. Quite nice, cuz it's like a mini-town which was a replica of a colonial town a century ago. All the ppl there were dressed in colonial style and all the shops had themes which were landmarks of that time, like blacksmith, wheelspun fabric and those victorial style dresses in the seamstress shops. Even their kitchens were very much like what I've visualised in Julie Garwood's romance novels. The medicine and drugs they had used at that time and how they made their leather shoes and belts were also fascinating. And very strangely, the "employees" over there were all very immersed in their role-playings of roles which existed 100 yrs ago. A bit eerie...

Was planning to go to Shenandoah national park in Virginia this sat. Haiz.. only Sats are what I'm looking forward to now. The rest of the days are just studying, studying and studying. And Cha will just do his own stuff most of the time , and I also hav to rush assignments every other day, so sian... It's either I feel very sian and desolate most of the time, or I get to enjoy a lot on one single day. No other activity and no other friend..

This Thur I will be doing a follow-up consultation at the uni's health center, a bit nervous... The notion of doing an ultrasound again soon makes me sick to the stomach, I dun like it leh.

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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