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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Still have an hour more before it marks the end of our third anniversary... Time fliessss! The celebration was really special for this year, cuz we celebrated it in Merryland! YAAY! We celebrated early on last Sat..Chaa brought me to Ocean City, also in Maryland, but had to drive around 3 hrs to reach, it's a nice place, it's a boardwalk beach with a strip of shops and entertainments along the coast, similar to Santa Monica which I've been to last year. Wah...the coast is really long, we took almost 5 hours leisure walk, also cannot finish the entire coast..tiring leh.. Weather was not that good, it drizzled one third of the time, but lucky not like those torrentious type in Spore. We settled our dinner at Harrison's Harbor Watch Seafood restaurant, the food there was good, a bit costly, but their sides and rolls were free-flow, so quite filling lar. Their crab cake was really good, Chaa seems to luv it a lot =) We also tried the funnel cake at one of the coastside cafe, it was delicious! It claimed that it was voted the best funnel cake in Ocean City lar, but dunno real or not, the cakes from the other cafes looked as nice lor...Not to forget we spent quite a bit on arcade games...Haa, long time never been to arcade liao, but we were there to hide from the rain lar, in the end we managed to exchange for an exquisite hanger with our combined coupons..wahahah, heng ah!

Ocean City, The BoardWalk

On Cha's request: The Famous Thrasher's Fries which we have to queue quite a while to get them...

The Number 1 Funnel Cake- Believe it or not

Tucking into my dinner!

Today we celebrated the actual day by having a romantic dinner in a "fine dine" setting. Haa.. we prepared the dinner ourselves, got soup, maincourse and dessert. Of cuz not to mention got wine lar...too bad no candlelights de...We had roasted pork loin chops for mains. But it was roasted in oven for too long liao lar (cuz we both dun have much experience with ovens), the pork loin chops macham char siew lidat...so damn tough, then we only have butter knife, no meat knife, so can imagine our pain when we try to cut the very tough meat with a butter knife! haha...Dinner was really great, with soft lightings and love songs playing in the background. We even danced ard a bit when my ROM march-in song was played...was quite a cozy celebration and we can also save a lot of money by having "fine-dine" dinner at home lor...

Chaa also had a surprise for me this evening, I already din expect anything from him on this anniversary, cuz it was hard on him to get something while I'm always around, but he got me a "Perfect Dozen" online! It was delivered to our home while we were preparing our food. When the bell rang, I tot it was some postal service or wad so I din wan to open the door even Cha asked me to.. So I was really surprised to see him holding the "Perfect Dozen" in the doorway.. So sweet of him =) Will remember this anniversary in years to come de, our first one overseas...but dunno whether we shd celebrate our marriage anniversary or the day we were first together better leh... The ROM date was given to us by a temple fortune teller, but marriage is our first life milestone together. Today's anniversary is also special as I want us to always remember the day when we first started our journey together..dilemma lar..haha maybe shd celebrate both hor..then got 3 presents every yr, including my bday..heehee

Anyway, since today it's such a special day for Chaa and me, we've just sent in our appplication to ballot for the flat liao, hope we can get it this time round!

The Perfect Dozen=D

Fine-Dine Dinner: We really got dressed up for the occasion lor...at home -_-"

Brownie made by myself..yummy

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Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


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