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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A bit surprised to see tags with concern to my last post, dun worry my frens, cuz I guess it's PMS coupled with anxiety. And it's really true that I feel much better now that I've settled down here. A brief recap of what happened the past week. As expected, I cried rather out of composure at the airport when we departed. What's more shocking was that my mum actually cried for 2 straight hours, even before I stepped out of the house and even up till I went into the departure hall. Dunno how long she kept on crying after tat. Heard from my sis's sms that she still continues to weep when she reached home. Gosh... Din know she waS so emotional and can't bear for me to leave so much. Lucky the SQ flight was smooth without much turbulence and comfortable. This helped to soothe my sad feelings a little.

When I reached Merryland after 26 hours of journey, I was a little lost in my sense of time. Went to the apartment straight and was a little sian that the place was not furnished at all. Okay it's excpected but itwas still very demoralising after such a long flight and Cha and I both knew that we will not get any rest tat day. We rushed straight to IKEA shortly after we settled our luggage. We bought a bed, a bed frame, 2 dining tables aka study tables with 4 chairs. Delivery took two days so we hand carried a ti lum back home so that we have something soft to sleep on. As we don't know our way around, and tpt there is like shit, we took the bus and the bus driver out of helpfulness, told us to get off early when it's not supposed to be. Sian, in the end, Cha got so frustrated that we took a cab and cost us 15 bucks when the bus could have carried us home.

Still cannot rest after we reached home. We rushed to the supermarket which was a good 20 min walk away and bought the essentials, like cleaning tools and food stuff. So damn heavy that we have to carry all of them and struggled to walk the long way home. Wah lucky we found a shortcut to the supermarket after a few days, or else, I would hate marketing and we both have to go hungry liao...

Now still dun have internet connection, cuz the stupid cable company took eons to call us back and schedule an appointment. We gave up and have to go to campus to use wireless connection. Oh yah, the campus is quite nice, lots of greenery and is quite serene. Looks like wat I've seen in TV for uni, not like NUS so run-down. Becuz we have not tv, no internet and no phone, we are cut off from the rest of the world and are so damn bored after dinner. So we ended up watching rented movies every evenings. Hav never seen so much ang mors movies in a week bfore. Most are like shit. I missed Spore, HK and Korean dramas leh...

Shopping here is lousy. Only a simple supermarket and a few outlets in the shopping center. Will have to visit DC if we want to go to large malls. Washington DC is nice with it's grand buildings and we caught a glimpse of the white house during a sightseeing trip on Sunday. It's ulu and heavily guarded. On my bday yesterday, we went downtown Silver Spring for shopping. Cha also whipped up a delicious dinner for me and we had a strawberry cake after that, although there are no candles lar. But the celebration was sweet and simple and I really enjoyed it. My first bday abroad, it was special:)

Btw, Merryland is predominantly black, and I've not seen so many blacks in my life bfore leh. It's wierd I dun see many whites here. A lot of hispanics too. Dun feel safe sometimes, so will be a bit scared to go out alone. Lucky Cha looks a bit hispanic and he blends in quite well... haha, I feel more protected.

Heard that Spore won a silver for ping pong, it's wierd tat the team representing Spore is from China and the competition is in Beijing. Seems no diff to them cuz the gold and silver medals are won by China, haa.. Ironic. The only news I've heard from Spore so far...

Will update my blog when have chance to access internet again...


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11:44 PM



O Come O Come Emmanuel 差一刹的地老天荒 新不了情 背叛

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It's Me

Call me Pristine/ Vennie/ BB/ Yun! I'm a Leo, LOVES to travel, TV, Sleeping, Nuahing and Shopping! Also loves to receive gifts=p D.O.B: 18 August 1983 *Hint Hint!!*


Cha Cha
Mei Mei
Zheng Yu
Joanne Peh


Leaving for Merryland
Feeling Lost
Last Day At Work
Missing Home Already
Post Review Update
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Summary Of My Trip
14 June 08 - Goodbye, Juno
Updates on my Europe Trip
Vesak Day


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